Created at 9pm, Jan 4
The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
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\'The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe\' is a classic novel written by Daniel Defoe, first published in 1719. It is considered one of the earliest novels in the English language and is celebrated for its narrative realism and the pioneering use of a fictional autobiography.The novel tells the story of Robinson Crusoe, a young man who, against his father's wishes, decides to set sail for a life of adventure on the sea. After a series of misadventures, including being shipwrecked, Crusoe finds himself stranded on a deserted island. The narrative unfolds as a first-person account, chronicling Crusoe's efforts to survive, his resourcefulness in building a life on the island, and his eventual encounter with other inhabitants, including the native \'Man Friday.\'Robinson Crusoe's tale explores themes of survival, isolation, and the human spirit's capacity for adaptation. The novel also reflects the colonial and imperialistic attitudes prevalent in the 18th century, as Crusoe asserts control over the island and its resources.Defoe's work was well-received for its vivid storytelling and realistic portrayal of a solitary man's struggle for survival. \'Robinson Crusoe\' has inspired countless adaptations, sequels, and cultural references, solidifying its place as a foundational work in the adventure and survival genre.

All this seemed inconsistent with the thing itself and with all the notions we usually entertain of the subtlety of the devil.
id: 402641ab068c8d981562b915b99bc8e7 - page: 135
Abundance of such things as these assisted to argue me out of all apprehensions of its being the devil; and I presently concluded then that it must be some more dangerous creatureviz. that it must be some of the savages of the mainland opposite who had wandered out to sea in their canoes, and either driven by the currents or by contrary winds, had made the island, and had been on shore, but were gone away again to sea; being as loath, perhaps, to have stayed in this desolate island as I would have been to have had them.
id: d493d31a853af4f3663ff40db74bea73 - page: 135
While these reflections were rolling in my mind, I was very thankful in my thoughts that I was so happy as not to be thereabouts at that time, or that they did not see my boat, by which they would have concluded that some inhabitants had been in the place, and perhaps have searched farther for me. Then terrible thoughts racked my imagination about their having found out my boat, and that there were people here; and that, if so, I should certainly have them come again in greater numbers and devour me; that if it should happen that they should not find me, yet they would find my enclosure, destroy all my corn, and carry away all my flock of tame goats, and I should perish at last for mere want.
id: f68dfd242e10db91a4c5149e67541b63 - page: 136
Thus my fear banished all my religious hope, all that former confidence in God, which was founded upon such wonderful experience as I had had of His goodness; as if He that had fed me by miracle hitherto could not preserve, by His power, the provision which He had made for me by His goodness. I reproached myself with my laziness, that would not sow any more corn one year than would just serve me till the next season, as if no accident could intervene to prevent my enjoying the crop that was upon the ground; and this I thought so just a reproof, that I resolved for the future to have two or three years corn beforehand; so that, whatever might come, I might not perish for want of bread.
id: c708e24de166cedb0caacb028f01ac8e - page: 136
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