Created at 5pm, Apr 14
Are All Religions Are False and Harmful?
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Are All Religions Are False and Harmful?

Caste system The origin of caste system cannot be explained if it is assumed that all inhabitants of India have been living together right from beginning. The clash of fair-skinned Aryans with local dark-skinned Dravidians during early Vedic period had laid the foundation of the caste system. Due to the hostility between these two different races, two broad divisions arose in the beginning Aryans, who called themselves Dwijas (twice-born first born biologically and second time initiated as aspirant for liberation which is like second birth) and locals who were inimical to Aryans and did not believe in their religion they were called Shudras. Shudras in Sanskrit literally means petty-minded. There were vast differences in these two races. Their skin color, language, religious beliefs, rituals, means of livelihood, warfare skills,
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Even after initial hostility was over, they must be disliking each other for quite some time. So, it is expected that their friendly assimilation into each other in the first generation of interaction was impossible. This historical hostility is the root cause of all subsequent bad treatment of Shudras at the hands of Aryans. Conclusion Thus, the belief of many orthodox Hindus that ancestors of all modern Indians were only one race and had been living in India itself peacefully for millions of years is completely false. It is now clear that Hinduism was founded by Aryans who came from out of India about 4000 years ago. Of course, over the last 3000 years, Aryans and Dravidians have been mingling with each other and now they form one homogenous culture defined by Hinduism. There is complete harmony and unity between the two races as both draw their core beliefs and values from the same Hinduism. Some Hindu schol
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They ignore all the evidences mentioned above and maintain that all ancestors of Indians have been living in India right from beginning. Perhaps they do so to be politically correct or to ensure unity among Indians. But political expediency cannot change facts. What is Hinduism? As noted earlier, there are 3 distinct phases of Hinduism and each of
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The three phases are: Vedic Hinduism as expressed in early Vedas [1500 800 BCE] Upanishadic Hinduism as expressed in Upanishads [800 600 BCE] Classical Hinduism as expressed in Smrities, Ramayana, Mahabharata and Puranas [600 BCE 1200 CE] I will discuss these 3 phases of Hinduism under Section A, B and C respectively. SECTION A Vedic Hinduism as expressed in early Vedas [1500 800 BCE] Vedas the first books of Hinduism We know about this first phase of Hinduism through Vedas, the first and the most ancient religious book of Hinduism as well as of the world. Aryans did not invade India at one go with full preparations for battles in a planned way. They did not destroy Indus Valley Civilization. In fact, they came to India when Indus Valley Civilization was already on decline or probably already vanished. They trickled in groups. Their migrations took place over several centuries. When Aryans came to India, they depended mainly on pastoral economy
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