Created at 1pm, Jan 9
Secularism: Freedom of Religion or Freedom from Religion?
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Secularism is a political ideology that disintegrates religion from state governance. While secularism may work for countries where the majority professed religion that has no specific legal system viz. Christianity begins to exhibit its ineptness in countries that either have a multicultural identity or adopt a systematic religion like Islam as its official religion. The objective of the writing is to resolve the conflicts of the secularism ideology in a multicultural state. The methodology adopted in the research is doctrinal legal research which employed qualitative research.Md Said, Muhamad Helmi. (2023). Secularism: Freedom of Religion or Freedom from Religion?. 2023-145.

5.Islamic Perspective on Secularism The severance of religion from all branches of human life might be tolerable for other faiths like Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism, and Polytheism, but Islam is clearly an exception. For Muslims, Islam a comprehensive manual of life that provides structured rules in ones daily life that are concomitantly inseparable from spiritual engagement. This is due to the fact that Muslims believe that he is a vicegerent that had been given the trust to rule his own self and those who are under his responsibility according to 156 Geopolitics Quarterly, Volume: 19, Special Issue, Summer 2023 ________________
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Gods will and His Pleasure and that they are answerable for all of his actions before God in the Hereafter (Al-Attas,1993:66). Thus, unlike what was believed by secularists, a man of Islam, is not simply another animal species that eats, drinks, and sleeps, but rather, it is a creation consisting of both physical body and spiritual soul that subjugated himself at all time to the Ultimate Authority, Allah. Be it in a big scale pursuits like professional business conducts (Mishkat al-Masabih, Kitab al-Buyu, no 2801), and war mannerisms (Al-Quran and Al-Hajj,22:39-40), Islam also teaches its believers things that are perceived as trivial by some, for instance, ways to eat (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Atimah, no 5393), what to recite before and after sleeping (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab at-Tauhid, no 7394), the proper etiquette prior to wearing sandals (Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Libas wa alZinah, no 2097a), ethics in classes (Al-Quran and Al-Mujadila,58:11) and more others that the authors are
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According to Al-Attas (1993,18-19), different from secular values that are relative, open to changes, and continue to be revised in accordance with the evolutionary change in urban civilization, the values and morality that Islam taught are fixed throughout the ages as they had been completed and perfect for mankind (Al-Quran and Al-Maidah,5:3). An eminent Muslim writer, Hasrizal Abd Jamil, in one of his works, Erti Beragama yang Hilang, or in English means The Lost Essence of Being Religious, once explicated the relationship between Islam and modernity. According to him, whatever changes and trends people adopt or adapt along the timeline, Islam stays with its foundation. He further added that principles and interpretations in Islam are deductively and inductively dynamic but never depart from the core (Abd Jamil,2022:104). Muslims are thus unique in their identity. There can never be separation, division, or dichotomy between the
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The drawback of a secular system implementation on Islamic beliefs may be seen in the reports made by several researchers that had conducted a socioscience study in Turkey, whereby they found that secularism had negatively eradicated the aspects of culture, personality, and social behavior that had their roots in Islamic traditions (Ismail and Tekke,2016:67). A Muslim theologian, Said Nursi, whilst agreeing that secularism in its essence
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