Created at 1pm, Feb 17
BLACROCK - RFK Jr.: Who Really Profits from The Ukraine War?
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RFK Jr.: Who Really Profits from The Ukraine War? \'BLACKROCK\'

Yeah , Blackrock . So Tim Scott , during the republican debate , said , Dont worry , Its not a gift to Ukranie . Its a loan. Raise your Hand if you think that loan is ever getting paid back. Yeah , of course its not. So why do they call it a loan ? Because if they call it a loan , they can impose loan conditions. And what are the loan conditions that we impose on them ? Number one , an extreme austerity program , so that if you are poo in Ukranie , you are going to be poor forever .
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Number two , most important , Ukranie has to put all of its government owned assets up for sale to multinational corporations , inclouding all of its agricultural land the biggest single asset in Europe , in Ukranie . Theres been a thousand years of war fought over that land . Its the richest farmland in the world . Its the bread basket of Europe . 500.000 Kids almost Ukrainian kids have died to keep that land as part of Ukranie . (War and theft : The Takeover of Ukraines Agricultural Land . Oakland Institute Feb.21 , 2023) They almost certainly didnt know about this loan condition. Theyve already sold 30% of it. The buyers were Dupont, Cargill and Monsanto . Who do you think owns all of those companies ? Yeah , Blackrock . And then in December , president Biden gave out the contract to rebuild Ukranie. (Zelensky announces alliance with Blackrock for reconstruction of Ukranie. By Brady Knox . Dec.28,2022 ) And who do you think got that contract ?
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Blackrock. So they are doing this right in front of us. They dont even care that we know anymore , because they know that they can get away with it. And how do they know that ? Because they have a strategy. And that strategy is an old , old strategy , which is , they keep us at war with each other . They keep us hating on each other. They keep the republicans and democrats fighting each other , and black against white , and all these divisions , that they sow .
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