Created at 11am, Apr 19
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African Women, 43Adultery, punishment of 155Bathing at Rome, 31Betrothing and Marriage, 104Chinese Women, 40Chinese Bridegroom, 41Cæsar, Anecdote of 157Celibacy of the Clergy, 160Cleopatra, Death of 199Courts of Love, 172Courtship, ancient Swedish 176Courtship, Grecian 165Courtship, Eastern 168Condition of Women in the 8th Century, 52Egyptian Women, Ancient 13Egyptian Women, Modern 15Euthira, desperate act of 162Eastern Women, 37English Women, 62First Woman, 9Female Friendship, 109Female Delicacy, 30French Women, 53French Girls, 55Female Simplicity, 71Female Inferiority, idea of 67Females during the age of Chivalry, 48First Kiss of Love, 198Grecian Women, 19German Women, 99Grecian Courtezans, 20Greeks, religious festivals of 180Grecian Ladies, luxurious dress of 164Girls sold at Auction, 153Husbands, on the choice of 114Italian Women, 57Influence of female society, 83Immodesty at Babylon, 173Indecency at Adrianople, 175Lucretia and Virginia, 182Ladies of Lapland and Greenland, 177Matrimony, an essay on 203Matrimony among the French 55Matrimony in three different lights, 103Magnanimity of Women, 77Monastic Life, 89Marriage Brokers at Genoa, 60Marrying, power of 159Noah’s three sons, 43Nuptial Ceremonies, 66On looking at the picture of a beautiful female, 183Persian Women, 17Philtres and charms, power of 167Roman Women, 24Roman Oppian Law, 29Russian Women, 65Spanish Women, 60St. Valentine’s Day, 171Sentimental Attachment, 92Sale of a wife, 154Saxons and Danes, long hair of 170Venus de Medici, 194Women, Art of determining the figure, beauty, habits, and the age of 185Women in the Patriarchal ages, 10Woman in Savage Life, 32Woman in times of Chivalry, 45Women in Asia and Africa, 79

Odd as this position may seem, it is founded in fact. I have seen the method successfully practised by more than one person, 125 where a weak mind, on the governed side, has been so prudently set off as to appear the sole director; like the statue of the Delphic god, which was thought to give forth its own oracles, whilst the humble priest, who lent his voice, was by the shrine concealed, nor sought a higher glory than a supposed obedience to the power he would be thought to serve.
id: 727017b1ed3bb39b28e01d077e43258b - page: 98
A L E T T E R T O A N E W M A R R I E D M A N . I RECEIVED the news of your marriage with infinite delight, and hope that the sincerity with which I wish you happiness, may excuse the liberty I take in giving you a few rules, whereby more certainly to obtain it. I see you smile at my wrong-headed kindness, and, reflecting on the charms of your bride, cry out in a rapture, that you are happy enough without any rules. I know you are. But after one of the forty years, which I hope you will pass pleasingly together, is over, this letter may come in turn, and rules for felicity may not be found unnecessary, however some of them may appear impracticable.
id: f2fecad987205e9b5a14289488d90b09 - page: 99
Could that kind of love be kept alive through the marriage state, which makes the charm of a single one, the sovereign good would no longer be sought for; in the union of two faithful lovers it would be found: but reason shows that this is impossible, and experience informs us that 126 it never was so; we must preserve it as long, and supply it as happily as we can.
id: 4941796b65249520a7bf7036ee6cb6ae - page: 99
When your present violence of passion subsides, however, and a more cool and tranquil affection takes its place, be not hasty to censure yourself as indifferent, or to lament yourself as unhappy; you have lost that only which it was impossible to retain, and it were graceless amid the pleasures of a prosperous summer to regret the blossoms of a transient spring. Neither unwarily condemn your brides insipidity till you have recollected that no object however sublime, no sounds however charming, can continue to transport us with delight when they no longer strike us with novelty. The skill to renovate the powers of pleasing is said indeed to be possessed by some women in an eminent degree; but the artifices of maturity are seldom seen to adorn the innocence of youth: you have made your choice, and ought to approve it.
id: 01ff2b00110ec5d0d52de533c66f42bc - page: 99
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