Created at 7am, Apr 1
Ambient neutron dosimetry in high energy and pulsed neutron fields
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Ariel Tarifeno-Saldiviaa,b, Francisco Calvinob, Alfredo De Blasb, Benedetta Brusascob, Adria Casanovas-Hosteb, Ana M. Civesc, Guillem Cortesb, Roger Garciab, Francisco Molinad, Nil Mont-Gelib, Max Pallasb, Cristian Pavezea- Instituto de F´ısica Corpuscular (CSIC-UV), Catedr´atico Jos´e Beltr´an 2, Paterna, E-46980, Espa˜nab- Institut de Tecniques Energetiques, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Av. Diagonal 647, Barcelona, E-08028, Espa˜nac- Centro de L´aseres Pulsados (CLPU), Edicio M5. Parque Cientco. C/ Adaja, 8, Villamayor, Salamanca, 37185, Spaind- Centro de Investigaci´on en F´ısica Nuclear y Espectroscopia de Neutrones CEFNEN. Comisi´on Chilena de Energ´ıa Nuclear., Nueva Bilbao 12501, Las Condes, Santiago Chile, Chilee- Comisi´on Chilena de Energ´ıa Nuclear, Center for Research in the Intersection of Plasma Physics, Matter and Complexity, P2mc, Nueva Bilbao 12501, Las Condes, Santiago Chile, ChileAbstractThe status of the LINrem project is presented, focusing on the development of innovative neutron dosimeters with enhanced energy sensitivity, time resolution, and portability. Designed to meet the technical demands of radiation protection in modern particle and nuclear facilities, these dosimetersare discussed in detail. Results from experimental campaigns showcasing their efficacy in pulsed fields generated by fusion plasmas and high-intensity pulsed lasers are presented. Additionally, prospects and future plans for the LINrem project are outlined.Keywords: Neutron dosimeters, detector design, pulsed fields, high energyneutron fields

The LUPIN-BF3 dosimeter (see Table 1) employs current-sensitive preamplifiers to operate in the charge integration mode. During its prototype phase in 2013, this detector exhibited non-linear response deviations for pulsed doses exceeding 16 nSv/burst , attributed to gain losses from spatial charge accumulation within the counter. A study conducted in 2013 on the effects of spatial charge accumulation in proportional counters, used for neutron yield monitoring in plasma sources, yielded an effective correction 6 Figure 2: Performance of LINrem2 and LINremext2 dosimeters in pulsed neutron fields. Data from dosimeters LUPIN BF3, LB6411, WENDI-II and Stutsvik has been extracted from .
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Implementing this correction model into the processing firmware of LUPIN-BF3 extended its linearity range beyond 100 nSv/bunch . Presently, LUPIN-BF3 stands as the sole commercially available active dosimeter with capabilities for pulsed fields exceeding 10 nSv/bunch .
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The LINrem and LINremext dosimeters implement charge integration mode using charge-sensitive preamplifiers. An overview of the performance of both dosimeters in pulsed neutron fields is presented in Fig. 2 and compared to commercial devices as reported in an intercomparison exercise conducted by EURADOS . Remarkably, LINrem and LINremext dosimeters demonstrate reliable performance in pulsed neutron fields, exhibiting a linear response beyond the upper limit of LUPIN-BF3, and offering unsurpassed portability features. The lightweight non-extended energy range version weighs just 3.5 kg, while the competitive extended version weighs 10.5 kg. The application of both dosimeters for radioprotection in pulsed neutron fields is discussed in the following sections. 7
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Figure 3: Dosimetric characterization of a pulsed neutron field workplace at the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission. The experimental setup is depicted in panel (a). In panel (b), the correlation between measurements of H (10) and the total neutron yield is presented. 4.1. Pulsed neutron fields from fusion plasmas The dosimetric characterization of a pulsed neutron field based on fusion plasmas has been achieved in collaboration with the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN). At CCHEN, the research program is focused on the development of low-energy Plasma Focus (PF) discharges for fundamental physics studies related to nuclear fusion and for the production of pulsed fields of X-rays and neutron radiation. These efforts target materials studies, radiobiology, and microdosimetry applications.
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