Created at 9am, Feb 9
ProactiveHealth & Lifestyle
New Trend: Cozy Cardio
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A new kind of exercise idea is becoming popular in the United States. Social media is bringing attention to “cozy cardio.” It means doing light cardiovascular exercise at home.

Building the habit, supporters say what is important about Cozy Cardio is setup.
start: 01:39 - end: 01:45
You wear comfortable clothes and organize your environment to your liking. You can light candles, have a healthy drink or even put a favorite TV movie or show. Alex Montano and colleagues said for some people easy exercises such as Cozy Cardio could help them develop an exercise habit.
Montano said for people who would otherwise watch TV while sitting walking can help them make progress. That is especially true if exercise becomes a habit. People struggle to make healthy habits last over time. This is why Cozy exercise is such a good idea said Charlene Sanderson, a colleague in Massachusetts. She wrote a health book, The Positive Shift Mastering Mindset to Improve Happiness, Health and Longevity. It fits in with a lot of what we know about how to get people to actually maintain behavior Sanderson said. Along with removing the barriers to exercise she said it very much relies on what a physicalist would call positive reinforcement. The idea of it is not just that I'm exercising I am tapping into something I want to be doing already. As the Cozy Cardio become more popular, Zuckerberg said she hears from people who did not realize they could enjoy easy exercise. Also Alyssa Rose, owner of the Rocket Community Fitness in Seattle have been mixing workouts at her gym and Cozy exercise at home. Some days she turns off the sound on her platon exercise bicycle and watching TV because it takes her brain somewhere else. Too many people look at the exercise as an all or nothing thing. Rose said it doesn't give people room to just to be there to just to be where they where they are today and I think it's incredibly important.
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