Created at 11pm, Apr 30
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In the realm of mimicking human deliberation, large language models (LLMs) show promisingperformance, thereby amplifying the importance of this research area. Deliberation is influencedby both logic and personality. However, previous studies predominantly focused on the logic ofLLMs, neglecting the exploration of personality aspects. In this work, we introduce DynamicPersonality Generation (DPG), a dynamic personality generation method based on Hypernetworks.Initially, we embed the Big Five personality theory into GPT-4 to form a personality assessmentmachine, enabling it to evaluate characters’ personality traits from dialogues automatically. Wepropose a new metric to assess personality generation capability based on this evaluation method.Then, we use this personality assessment machine to evaluate dialogues in script data, resultingin a personality-dialogue dataset. Finally, we fine-tune DPG on the personality-dialogue dataset.Experiments prove that DPG’s personality generation capability is stronger after fine-tuning on thisdataset than traditional fine-tuning methods, surpassing prompt-based GPT-4.

Ethics Statement The character dialogue data mentioned in this work all comes from scripts or is generated by large language models. The majority are from fictional characters in novels, films, and television works and do not involve any personal privacy information. All characters and data assets mentioned in this work are used solely for scientific research purposes. If anything infringes upon the rights of the characters themselves or their creators, please contact us, and we will remove the infringing information. Fine-tuning LLMs with scripted dialogues may lead to jailbreaking behaviors, undermining the original human safety alignment principles. This could result in LLMs generating responses that are biased, violent, or possess other undesirable traits. All outcomes of this work are intended solely for research purposes. Researchers and users utilizing this work must ensure that LLMs adhere to human ethical standards.
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