Created at 7pm, Jan 17
Generalised DePIN Protocol: A Framework for Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks
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This paper introduces the Generalised DePIN (GDP) protocol, a comprehensive framework for decentralized physical infrastructure networks. GDP establishes a modular system, enabling tailored application across sectors like ridesharing and power systems. Leveraging device onboarding, multi-sensor redundancy, and areward/penalty mechanism, GDP promotes genuine behavior and ensures networkwide vigilance. Through continuous audits and updates, the protocol remains dynamic, ensuring sustainable decentralized operations.By Dipankar Sarkar, Cryptuon Research,

Witnesses play a pivotal role in reinforcing the trustworthiness of data transmission within DePINs. By serving as neutral validators, they ensure that data transactions are not just taken at face value but undergo rigorous validation. This witness-based validation framework, combined with other security mechanisms, ensures that DePINs remain robust, transparent, and resistant to malicious activities. 3.5 Consensus Mechanism In Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePINs), the consensus mechanism forms the bedrock upon which data integrity and system synchronization are achieved. Given the decentralized nature of these networks, arriving at a unified agreement about the state of the ledger, especially in the context of data transmission, is vital. This section offers a formal exploration of the consensus mechanism, emphasizing its intricate relationship with data transmission.
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3.5.1 Need for Consensus In a decentralized network, where multiple participants operate without a central authority, ensuring that all nodes agree on the validity and order of transactions is critical. This agreement prevents double-spending, data manipulation, and other potential fraudulent activities. Witness-Informed Consensus As discussed in the data transmission section, witnesses validate and attest to the authenticity of data transactions. These attestations serve as crucial inputs when nodes in the network determine the legitimacy of a transaction during the consensus process.
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Stages of Consensus Mechanism 1. Proposal Phase A subset of nodes or participants proposes a set of transactions to be added to the ledger. This proposal includes the transaction data and, importantly, the attestations from witnesses. 2. Validation Phase Other nodes in the network validate the proposed transactions. This involves checking witness attestations, ensuring that the transaction adheres to network rules, and confirming that there are no conflicting transactions. 3. Commitment Phase Once a majority (or a predefined threshold) of nodes agree on the validity of the proposed transactions, they are added to the ledger. The network then moves to the next set of transactions.
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Handling Conflicts In scenarios where theres disagreement among nodes (e.g., due to conflicting witness attestations), the consensus mechanism initiates additional validation rounds. Fresh witnesses might be engaged, or other conflict resolution strategies, such as weighted voting based on stake or reputation, might be employed. Continuous Synchronization To ensure that all nodes maintain an identical copy of the ledger, continuous synchronization occurs post-consensus. Nodes share and update their ledgers to reflect the latest agreed-upon state. 7
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "J2XwgLvHzIqtVD1mkoiVpW7f9eMvCJz1KI3KQ278YaY", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "J2XwgLvHzIqtVD1mkoiVpW7f9eMvCJz1KI3KQ278YaY", "level": 2}'