Created at 4pm, Mar 24
t2ruvaArtificial Intelligence
ChatGPT in medical writing: enhancing healthcare communication through artificial intelligence and human expertise
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This study explores the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT, an advanced language model, in medical writing. Leveragingthe GPT-4 architecture, ChatGPT has shown potential in aiding various stages of medical article creation, including planning,drafting, revising, and even submission processes. It can summarize extensive literature, suggest research questions, and assistin multi-language research, making it a versatile tool for initial research and planning. During revisions, ChatGPT’s strengths liein improving language, ensuring consistency, and enhancing readability. Despite its abilities, ChatGPT has several limitations.ChatGPT’s training data only updates with each new version release, which could result in outdated or incomplete research. Italso lacks the critical thinking, domain expertise, and ethical considerations that human researchers bring to medical writing.While ChatGPT can be a useful tool for routine tasks and initial drafts, human expertise remains critical for generating highquality, ethical, and insightful medical research articles. Therefore, a hybrid approach that combines the computational powerof ChatGPT with the intellectual and ethical rigor of human experts is recommended for optimizing medical writing processes.Keywords: Artificial intelligence, language models, medical writing, research methodology

CHATGPTS VALUE IN THE REVISION PROCESS OF MEDICAL ARTICLES ChatGPTs benefits can be utilized during the revision process, where its ability to maintain a consistent writing style, work with multiple languages, refine language and grammar, and identify inconsistencies can improve the overall presentation and readability of the article.25 ChatGPT can also generate alternative phrasings, restructure sentences, and suggest improvements in clarity and conciseness, enhancing the final draft while adhering to the stylistic requirements of various medical journals and conferences.26
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Furthermore, human reviewers can assess the articles tone, readability, and potential impact on the target audience, offering suggestions for how to better engage readers and convey the significance of the research.29 Their ability to empathize with the audience allows them to provide invaluable guidance on how to communicate complex information in a clear and accessible manner. ChatGPT, however, does not possess emotional intelligence or the capacity to empathize with the audience, which can hinder its ability to accurately gauge the tone or potential impact of the article.21
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Another advantage of ChatGPT in the revision process is its ability to quickly process large volumes of text, which can be particularly beneficial when working on lengthy or complex medical articles.5,6 This timesaving aspect allows researchers to focus on other essential aspects of their work, such as data analysis or experimental design, without sacrificing the quality of their written output. Additionally, ChatGPT can detect repetitive phrases or overused terms and suggest more varied language to diversify the content and maintain reader engagement.
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CHATGPTS ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS IN FINAL EDITING OF MEDICAL ARTICLES While ChatGPT can be highly effective in final editing tasks, its important to note that it is still an AI language model and not a human editor.28 While it may be faster and more efficient than a human editor in certain aspects of final editing, it may lack the contextual understanding, creativity, and subjectivity that a human editor possesses, making it difficult to say definitively that ChatGPT is better than a human editor at final editing. A combination of both may be the most effective approach for achieving the highest quality of written work.28
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