2020 will forever remain in the collectivememory as the tragic year of Covid-19pandemic.For those who died for the disease, onlyremains the sorrow of friends, of familiarswho were not there for a last farewell, ofdoctors, who tried with science and heart tosave them.Those who, like me, survived, carry within,besides psycho-physical after-effects ofvarying gravity, the memory of weeks andmonths of illness, spent in suspendedanimation, in a limbo of confused existence,nuanced in colours, sounds, flavours, oftenwithout a proper collocation in time and space.During the flashes of lucidity of the firstdays, I remember having made the promise ofdescribing, after recovering, sensations andnightmares, fears and dreams.At the time, I had no fear that, in my case,the disease could possibly have a fataloutcome.6However, after witnessing so many gurneysleaving the ward, with a blanket draped overyet another unfortunate, I became acutelyaware that this fate might befall on me too,that I would be unable to go back to myfamily, to my projects, to my life.This thought convinced me to put asideliterary intents, unrealistic at most, focusingmy perspective on the “here and now”. I don'tthink it was the outcome of a rational process,more likely an instinctive retreat behind thebarricades, trying to escape an implacable foeby minimising my footprint.The rational explanation I give myself now,after the crisis, confirms a substantial recoveryof my analytic faculties, a fortunate nature'sendowment. On the other end, it has becomean incentive to trying to fix on paper some ofthe many experiences I lived during severallong weeks in Intensive Care, in Post Intensiveand Rehabilitation, linked to vital support linesand to more than vital Professionals, whocatered with all they could to my needs.7These few pages serve two purposes.The first is to provide to the Clinicians, whotook care of me and are still following myrecovery, a first-hand description of my neardeath experience, and to justify some of my“bizarre” words and behaviours of that period,trying to dissolve at least some of the manytherapeutic doubts of this pandemic with“clinical” data.The second is to reciprocate, at least in part,the love of all who sustained and supportedme, primarily my family, friends and fellowrescuers.
# Search
curl -X POST "https://search.dria.co/hnsw/search" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
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-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "L6B7VzLRaCzmT2m4WnmuoWoY2HgHvm5ThD4C8DG469Q", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query
curl -X POST "https://search.dria.co/hnsw/query" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "L6B7VzLRaCzmT2m4WnmuoWoY2HgHvm5ThD4C8DG469Q", "level": 2}'