Created at 7pm, Mar 31
metadertalHealth & Lifestyle
Chronicles from limbo COVID-19
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2020 will forever remain in the collectivememory as the tragic year of Covid-19pandemic.For those who died for the disease, onlyremains the sorrow of friends, of familiarswho were not there for a last farewell, ofdoctors, who tried with science and heart tosave them.Those who, like me, survived, carry within,besides psycho-physical after-effects ofvarying gravity, the memory of weeks andmonths of illness, spent in suspendedanimation, in a limbo of confused existence,nuanced in colours, sounds, flavours, oftenwithout a proper collocation in time and space.During the flashes of lucidity of the firstdays, I remember having made the promise ofdescribing, after recovering, sensations andnightmares, fears and dreams.At the time, I had no fear that, in my case,the disease could possibly have a fataloutcome.6However, after witnessing so many gurneysleaving the ward, with a blanket draped overyet another unfortunate, I became acutelyaware that this fate might befall on me too,that I would be unable to go back to myfamily, to my projects, to my life.This thought convinced me to put asideliterary intents, unrealistic at most, focusingmy perspective on the “here and now”. I don'tthink it was the outcome of a rational process,more likely an instinctive retreat behind thebarricades, trying to escape an implacable foeby minimising my footprint.The rational explanation I give myself now,after the crisis, confirms a substantial recoveryof my analytic faculties, a fortunate nature'sendowment. On the other end, it has becomean incentive to trying to fix on paper some ofthe many experiences I lived during severallong weeks in Intensive Care, in Post Intensiveand Rehabilitation, linked to vital support linesand to more than vital Professionals, whocatered with all they could to my needs.7These few pages serve two purposes.The first is to provide to the Clinicians, whotook care of me and are still following myrecovery, a first-hand description of my neardeath experience, and to justify some of my“bizarre” words and behaviours of that period,trying to dissolve at least some of the manytherapeutic doubts of this pandemic with“clinical” data.The second is to reciprocate, at least in part,the love of all who sustained and supportedme, primarily my family, friends and fellowrescuers.

61 maybe doctors and nurses, the faces hardly discernible behind the masks I have come to know so well, but I see others, they seem military, they wear menacing gas-masks, which worry me a little. I wonder what they are doing here. Where is
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I move to the side and surface: they speak a throaty language that I immediately identify as German. Why have I been carried to Austria? Then I notice that the military wear a white cross on red background on their epaulettes, Helvetic Confederation: I guess we are in the eastern part of it. I don't understand though why I have been brought here, to this place that is more like a luxury hotel than a hospital. Nobody seems to pay attention to me, medical and military staff debate vigorously what to do. I get some words which I know, one in particular is often repeated by a military man, while the doctors seem to disagree: clonation. They must be joking. What place is this? Are they insane? Luckily the doctors seem to prevail and the military leave hastily the place. I am relieved, but some minutes later other people come in, whose role I am unable to 62 guess, they seem to be civilians, people of mature age with an imposing and prosperous young lady.
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She sheds her robes and joins me into the pool, clearly uncomfortable. She comes reluctantly nearer and talks to me in a mixture of Italian and German, asking me timidly to make love to her. I am appalled. I ask her what is happening, but my German is almost symbolic and she doesn't get much of my Italian, still less can she talk my language. I try repeating my question in English, she understands perfectly and explains the reason I am here. My genetic profile matches exactly the one the scientist of her country deem necessary to prevent obesity and other connected diseases, in addition to acquiring a better resistance against SARS-CoV-2 virus, the pandemic spreading swiftly in Europe, but almost sparing Switzerland. I convey being positive to the virus. She knows, but the doctors are certain that my immune response is extremely effective and my genetic composition, partly derived from the 63
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Neanderthals, may guarantee the expression of the desired characters in the future generations of the Swiss people. I realize suddenly that we both are guineapigs, she because is embodying in ideal measure the genetic characters to modify, me because I am effectively fighting the virus and, although I eat a lot, never tend to fatten.
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