Created at 8pm, Feb 21
Preferences over inflation and unemployment
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Comparability", Economic Journal, September, 107, 1848-1858. Oswald, Andrew J. (1997). "Happiness and Economic Performance", Economic Journal, September, 107, 1815-1831 . Pavot, William (1991) et al. "Further Validation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Evidence for the Cross-Method Convergence of Well-Being Measures", Journal of Personality Assessment, 57, 149-161. Shiller, Robert (1996). "Why Do People Dislike Inflation?", National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, #5539. 14 2008 B01-08 2007 B03-07 B02-07 B01-07
id: 0fa273d09b1409f5454ff014df1499e4 - page: 16
Euro-Diplomatie durch gemeinsame Wirtschaftsregierung Lhne und Steuern im Systemwettbewerb der Mitgliedstaaten der Europischen Union Konsolidierung und Reform der Europischen Union The Ratication of European Treaties Legal and Constitutional Basis of a European Referendum. 2006 B03-06 Financial Frictions, Capital Reallocation, and Aggregate Fluctuations Financial Openness and Macroeconomic Volatility A Welfare Analysis of Capital Account Liberalization B02-06 B01-06 2005 B11-05 Das Kompetenzund Entscheidungssystem des Vertrages von Rom im Wandel seiner Funktion und Verfassung Die Schutzklauseln der Beitrittsvertrge B10-05 B09-05 Measuring Tax Burdens in Europe B08-05 B07-05 Remittances as Investment in the Absence of Altruism Economic Integration in a Multicone World? B06-05 Banking Sector (Under?)Development in Central and Eastern Europe Regulatory Standards Can Lead to Predation
id: ceeb0e807f199808c6e7397910d12e3e - page: 17
B05-05 B04-05 Whrungspolitik als Sozialpolitik B03-05 Public Education in an Integrated Europe: Studying to Migrate and Teaching to Stay? Voice of the Diaspora: An Analysis of Migrant Voting Behavior
id: 33f8507db9ddf245d560a1a82f3bca7e - page: 17
B02-05 B01-05 Macroeconomic Adjustment in the New EU Member States 2004 B33-04 The Eects of Transition and Political Instability On Foreign Direct Investment Inows: Central Europe and the Balkans The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes in Developing Countries: A Mulitnominal Panal Analysis Fear of Floating and Fear of Pegging: An Empirical Anaysis of De Facto Exchange Rate Regimes in Developing Countries Der Vollzug von Gemeinschaftsrecht ber die Mitgliedstaaten und seine Rolle fr die EU und den Beitrittsprozess Deutschlands Wirtschaft, seine Schulden und die Unzulnglichkeiten der einheitlichen Geldpolitik im Eurosystem Fiscal Crises in U.S. Cities: Structural and Non-structural Causes Firm Performance and Privatization in Ukraine Analyzing Trade Opening in Ukraine: Eects of a Customs Union with the EU Exchange Rate Risk and Convergence to the Euro The Endogeneity of Money and the Eurosystem B32-04 B31-04 B30-04 B29-04 B28-04 B27-04 B26-04
id: 97a76ee9d77c8607f4f7a9ff6637de52 - page: 17
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