Created at 8pm, Feb 4
How Autonomous Vehicles Will Change The World Why Self Driving Car Technology Will Usher In A New Age Of Prosperity And Disruption.
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Contains over 100 illustrations and diagrams. Would you like to know what your life will be like in the next decade? Are you curious to learn about how you'll be getting around town, where you'll be working, and what the future has in store for your family? At the 2017 World Government Summit, Tesla founder Elon Musk \'In 10 years it will be very unusual for cars to be built that are not fully autonomous.\' Take a look at the vehicle sitting in your driveway. It may be the last one you ever own. With an estimated 33 million fully autonomous cars and taxis projected to hit the road by 2040, an automotive renaissance is soon to be upon us. Personal car ownership currently costs the average medium-sized sedan owner $9,282 annually. But personal car ownership may soon be a thing of the past. The A.I.-powered machines of the future will be doing the driving for us. Autonomous vehicles will be the most disruptive technology ever deployed by mankind. Since 1900, 3.7 million Americans have died in motor vehicle accidents (about 35,000 per year). But we will soon exit these \'dark ages\' of transportation . Thanks to several recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, we are about to usher in a new age; one in which auto collisions, traffic jams, and road fatalities almost never happen. Soon, autonomous vehicles (of all shapes and sizes) will roam the city streets--delivering your pizza, dropping off your latest order from Amazon, and safely driving your children to school--under the watchful guidance of a dozen digital sensors. We're about to embark on a fantastic voyage . A journey that will bring about a new age of technological enlightenment, with the potential to produce a world of great abundance; if we can avoid screwing it all up. In this book, we'll talk about the many potholes that lie on the road to the future. And we'll discuss how YOU can be economically prepared for the transportation revolution that is currently underway. With over 150 illustrations , diagrams, and renderings, this book is an accessible, non-technical, and inspiring tour of the latter 21st century; and of the marvelous machines that will soon be chauffeuring you around town. Ready to learn more? If you'd like to know what the future has in store for YOU in the world of tomorrow, then scroll up and get the book today!

Indeed, proximity to the consumers will be an advantage for a while longer. (Maybe a long while longer.) But when autonomous couriers are finally capable of delivering all retail orders in minutes, then existing retail locations cannot simply convert their showrooms into fulfillment hubs. Storing products in smaller regional processing centers would not significantly reduce delivery times once the autonomous infrastructure is perfected. Instead, it is perhaps more probable that most local stores will eventually suffer the same gradual obsolesce as the local bowling alley or the local drive-in movie theater. Figure 77 In the 1970s, there were over 2,400 drive-in movie theaters in America (about 25% of all US movie screens). By 2018, only 320 drive-ins remained in operation.
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When confronting technological disruption, economists have typically been quick to exclaim, New jobs will come! New jobs will come! Such sentiments have not only assuaged the fears of those who worried that the end is nigh, but they have also been historically correct. Perhaps this track record will hold. After all: Cant the drive-in movie theater just be converted into a strip mall? Cant the strip mall just be converted into a big-box store? Cant the big-box store just be converted into a spaceport? Perhaps. But it seems unlikely that conventional buying behaviors will be indefinitely recapitulated with each emerging marketplace instance. Given the ease by which goods and services will be whisked to our homes in the future, it is perhaps more likely that tomorrows consumers wont require direct access to regional storefronts. Instead, theyll just shop online and get their purchase delivered.
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As the efficiency of home-delivery continues to improve, the necessity for one to move ones body to a brick-and-mortar store will diminish. If this is to be the progression of retail sales, then its difficult to see how regional businesses will stay afloat in the future autonomous economy. The buildings and strip malls that currently house these stores will one day be vacated. There may come a day when the streets of Americas once thriving urban districts look more like the remnants of a strategic bombing campaign than a shopping center. Figure 78 We dont know how many brick-and-mortar retail chains will still exist after rapid
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The acres on which these stores currently reside will be dumped onto the real estate marketfurther increasing the supply of available land. Perhaps future economists will come to refer to this period as The Great 21st Century Land Dump. Part 3. How AVs will relieve urban congestion In the previous two sections, we have described how autonomous vehicles will simultaneously make land more accessible and potentially introduce millions of new acres to the real estate market. Basic economics dictates that increasing housing supply will decrease housing costs. But this conjecture may be too simplistic to describe the behavior of humans in cities. It fails to account for other metrics like crime, racial demographics, increases in the standard of living, and the many logistical difficulties that come with increased urban density.
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