Created at 8pm, Mar 3
An Introduction to Poetry
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Terceta three line stanza or poem. They often rhyme. A haiku is an example of a type of poem that is a Tercet. Quatraina four line stanza or poem. If the poem has a rhyme scheme, alternate lines will rhyme. Stanza lines of poetry that are grouped as a unit and offset from other lines with a space. And Smaller Still While the way lines are grouped in a poem are significant, equally significant is where a poet has decided to end a particular line. While analyzing or executing a close reading of a particular poem, examine what effect the break of a line has on how that line is read. Here are Some Questions to Consider: Does the meaning of a line shift if the words beginning the line that follows are considered as well? What effect does this have on the audience? Are there any words that are on their own line? Why would a poet have chosen to do that, and what effect does it have on how the lines could be interpreted?
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BCCC ASC Rev. 3/2019 Some of types of poems you are most likely to encounter: BalladA short narrative poem with stanzas of two or four lines and possibly a refrain that most frequently deals with folklore or popular legends and is suitable for singing. Blank VerseBlank verse is poetry that has no set stanzas or line length. It is a common form of
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ElegyA poem of lament, praise and/or consolation, usually formal and about the death of a particular person. Elegies can also mourn the passing of events or passions. EpicThe epic is a long narrative poem that usually unfolds a history or mythology of a nation or race. The epic details the adventures and deeds of a hero and, in so doing, tells the story of a nation. Epic poetry is the oldest form of poetry dating back to classics like Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and Beowulf. EpistlePoems written in the form of a letter are called epistles. HaikuTraditionally a Japanese form of poetry, haiku consists of three lines. Each line has a
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The first line has five syllables, the second has seven and then the last has five. Often, haiku themes are centered in nature with some reference to season. For instance, if one line of a haiku referenced cherry blossoms, the reader is being informed that the season of spring is significant to the poem. OdeOften written in praise of a person, an object, or an event, odes tend to be longer in form and
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