Created at 2pm, Jan 3
Ms-RAGFolklore & Mythology
The Ancient Turkic Model of Death Mythology
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In the given work, an attempt of observation cult mythological images plots of Turkic nations in ancient Turkic model of death mythology.nnAbstract: Mythology of Turkic people as one of the form of the rich outlook culture is of Tengri and reflect specific, world relationship of Turkic. The model of the ancient world civilizations and cultures recreated by 'imprint' and 'trails' of objects of material culture and on the base of the language analysis (texts of monuments). The notion of the first man, about the first death mostly connected with the idea of the end of the mythical time. With the death of the first man in a number of mythological systems is explained the creation of the universe. Anyway the death perceives as 'the border situation', broken or threatens to break the natural course of things. It follows that the funeral rites are necessary to society first of all to 'extend' a posthumous (minimum social) existence of an individual and thus save society from the 'uncertainties' arising in it.

The image of Erlik-han was described also from the positive side: the great son went to the battle and was the ambassador as it is said on the way home leads the hourse(clothed smartly), famous and happy said know that is exactly good. Its possible here this youth was as kam (shaman). It is said in myth that Erlikhan helped to people, took their souls. According to myths there was time when people didnt die. Gradually, the earth was filled by people and animals. When they adviced with each other, didnt know what to do, the wise crow gave an advice to call the death to the earthly world from underground world. Having adviced, they sent the crow to Erlikhan. The crow told his supposition to Erlikhan. After it KokTengri continued the crows life for a long time because of her wisdom. The death came on the earth. Everybody began living in fear have known exactly their last hour. After the definite time Kok Tengri himself determined what duration of life give to people and animals and by Erl
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After that everybody live without fear didnt know exactly when the death will come.
id: 2cdb45fe7b3a6f1649c09287ba8b1aea - page: 6
Of course diversity of notions, connected with Erlik, in any degree reflect stages of eschatological notions, beginning from the most archaic acknowledging the circulation of life and returning to him after the death and 2278 The Soe. Sci., 11 (9): 2273-2284, 2016 finishing by the latest notion about moving of thedeceaseds in underground world of Erlik or the kingdom of Erlik-han. The picture of underground world in Turkic mythology elaborated more detailed: much langerous, unkind proceeded from it.
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That society could let itself to not notice it. The archaic consciousness paid the special attention for efinition of semantics of that clue places the safety of the man depend on thats why in archaic model of the world the special attention paid for bad space. Besides the underground world had visible, perceptible border: surface of the earth, any hole and cavity where might be the entrance to underground world. All living inhabited in the earth, under the earth in water, considered as belonging of underground world also inhabited in caves, mountains tageeri.
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