Created at 9pm, Jul 8
Who Is The Best Formula 1 Driver? An Economic Approach to Evaluating Talent
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Who is the best formula 1 driver? Until today it was impossible to answer this questionbecause the observable performance of a driver depends both on his talent and the qualityof his cars. In this paper, we for the first time separate driver talent from car quality byeconometrically analyzing data covering 57 years of Formula 1 racing. Our estimatesalso control for the number of drivers finishing, technical breakdowns and many othervariables that influence race results. While Michael Schumacher is often believed to bethe best driver, he is overtaken by Juan Manuel Fangio and Jim Clark.

Carlos Pace BRA (1972 bis 1977) Clay regazzoni SUI (1970 bis 1980) Jo Siffert SUI (1962 bis 1971) Olivier Panis FRA (1994 bis 2004) nigel Mansell GBR (1980 bis 1995) Gerhard Berger AUT (1984 bis 1997) Johnny Herbert GBR (1989 bis 2000) teo Fabi ITA (1982 bis 1987) Mauricio Gugelmin BRA (1988 bis 1992) Jos Verstappen NED (1994 bis 2003) Philippe Streiff FRA (1984 bis 1988) Christian Klien AUT (2004 bis 2006) Jackie Oliver GBR (1968 bis 1977) Philippe Alliot FRA (1984 bis 1994) nicola Larini ITA (1987 bis 1997) Lorenzo Bandini ITA (1961 bis 1967) Pedro diniz ESP (1995 bis 2000) Manfred Winkelhock GER (1982 bis 1985) Patrick tambay FRA (1977 bis 1986) derek Warwick GBR (1981 bis 1993) Michele Alboreto ITA (1981 bis 1994) Jonathan Palmer GBR (1983 bis 1989) Jody Scheckter SAF (1972 bis 1980) Andrea de Cesaris ITA (1980 bis 1994) Stefano Modena ITA (1987 bis 1992) Eric Bernard FRA (1989 bis 1994) Alex Caffi ITA (1986 bis 1991) Bruno Giacomelli ITA (1977 bis 1983) rolf Stommelen GER (1970 bi
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8.98976 (3.277) 9.07777 (3.230) 9.08978 (3.263) 9.14179 (3.212) 9.18680 (3.196) 9.19281 (3.177) 9.20182 (3.189) 9.20483 (3.249) 9.26084 (3.054) 9.36285 (3.259) 9.39686 (3.295) 9.40787 (3.317) 9.47388 (3.328) 9.49889 (3.245) 9.52390 (3.305) 9.55691 (3.355) 9.61692 (3.223) 9.62093 (3.403) 9.73894 (3.218) 9.76195 (3.216) 9.77096 (3.200) 9.78097 (3.278) 9.83198 (3.286) 9.86999 (3.195) 9.897100 (3.203) 9.915101 (3.309) 9.973102 (3.332) 10.010103 (3.253) 10.020104 (3.269) 9.27476 (3.280) 9.33777 (3.232) 9.35278 (3.265) 9.41779 (3.215) 9.46480 (3.199) 9.46782 (3.179) 9.46681 (3.192) 9.47483 (3.251) 9.54684 (3.057) 9.61385 (3.261) 9.65286 (3.297) 9.65387 (3.319) 9.76389 (3.330) 9.74288 (3.246) 9.78290 (3.307) 9.83691 (3.358) 9.88993 (3.225) 9.86692 (3.405) 9.99994 (3.220) 10.05096 (3.219) 10.03495 (3.201) 10.05797 (3.280) 10.11398 (3.288) 10.13799 (3.197) 10.159100 (3.206) 10.192101 (3.311) 10.260102 (3.334) 10.275103 (3.255) 10.290104 (3.271)
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9.34076 (3.280) 9.38377 (3.232) 9.45380 (3.265) 9.38878 (3.215) 9.47682 (3.199) 9.46481 (3.179) 9.44679 (3.191) 9.48083 (3.251) 9.53484 (3.056) 9.57185 (3.261) 9.63287 (3.297) 9.59986 (3.319) 9.84790 (3.330) 9.74188 (3.246) 9.77789 (3.306) 9.89693 (3.358) 9.85591 (3.225) 9.85992 (3.405) 10.02094 (3.220) 10.07097 (3.219) 10.03095 (3.201) 10.05096 (3.280) 10.16099 (3.288) 10.15098 (3.197) 10.160100 (3.206) 10.210101 (3.311) 10.260102 (3.334) 10.300103 (3.255) 10.360104 (3.271) 6.05565 (2.425) 6.18776 (2.389) 6.28979 (2.414) 6.11471 (2.376) 6.16173 (2.365) 6.47485 (2.350) 6.23277 (2.359) 6.31181 (2.404) 6.33982 (2.260) 6.53087 (2.411) 6.66491 (2.437) 6.61790 (2.453) 6.31180 (2.462) 6.52086 (2.400) 6.80197 (2.444) 6.883101 (2.482) 6.67093 (2.384) 6.931102 (2.517) 6.71494 (2.381) 6.862100 (2.380) 6.74395 (2.367) 7.020107 (2.425) 6.66692 (2.431) 6.83699 (2.364) 6.57689 (2.370) 6.80698 (2.448) 6.74896 (2.465) 6.969104 (2.406) 7.006106 (2.418)
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6.10370 (2.425) 6.22176 (2.389) 6.36382 (2.414) 6.09368 (2.376) 6.17072 (2.365) 6.47285 (2.350) 6.21875 (2.359) 6.31579 (2.404) 6.33080 (2.260) 6.49986 (2.411) 6.64992 (2.437) 6.57889 (2.453) 6.37383 (2.462) 6.51987 (2.400) 6.79797 (2.444) 6.928102 (2.482) 6.64591 (2.384) 6.926101 (2.517) 6.73294 (2.381) 6.878100 (2.380) 6.74195 (2.367) 7.014106 (2.424) 6.70493 (2.431) 6.84599 (2.364) 6.57588 (2.370) 6.81798 (2.448) 6.75096 (2.465) 6.986104 (2.406) 7.055107 (2.418) 0.21972 1678 0.37437 5230 0.20077 2071 0.18281 2955 0.42925 8210 0.44824 947 0.17682 2955 0.12791 994 0.050118 4116 0.065112 7101 0.093104 5109 0.15485 897 0.098100 5109 0.052117 6104 0.027122 2122 0.40529 1777 0.081106 897 0.018123 1123 0.26064 3251 0.18579 3054 0.21972 4734 0.091105 897 0.46920 5327 0.10399 2267 0.074108 6104 0.10698 5109 0.040120 3119 0.073109 6104 0.11397 7101 398
id: e17b8edb8e1cae1540a5dd465d904727 - page: 10
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