Created at 7pm, Jan 4
TailorSoftware Development
Mastering PY
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hxdgt trng.lttr trng.lwr trng.tdgt trng.untutn trng.rntbl Strng.ndwth() Strng.trtwth() Strng.dgt() Strng.lh() trng.dml() str.format() Strng.ndx trng.ur string.whitespace trng.w() Description Cntntn f th _lwr nd _ur ntnt. Cntntn f lwr lttr Cntntn f ur lttr Dgt n trng Hxdgt n trng ntntn f th strings lwr nd ur A trng mut contains lwr lttr. Octadigit n a trng ASCII hrtr hvng untutn hrtr. Strng f hrtr whh are rntbl Rturn Tru f a string nd wth the gvn uffx thrw rturn False Rturn Tru if a trng trt wth th gvn rfx thrw rturn False Rturn Tru f ll hrtr n th trng r dgt, Otherwise, It rturn Fl. Rturn Tru f ll hrtr n th trng r lhbt, Othrw, It returns Fl. Rturn tru f ll hrtr n a trng are decimal. n f th string frmttng methods n Pthn3, whh llw multl ubttutn nd vlu frmttng. th Rturn urrn f ubtrng n a trng A trng must ntn ur lttr. th tn f A trng ntnng ll hrtr tht are ndrd whitespace. Mthd nvrt ll ur hrtr t lwr nd v versa f th gvn trng, nd rturn t
id: 0bf53d7645fb4b09383634ea87545fe8 - page: 125
Idml Strng.Ilnum trng.Ittl String.partition String.Isidentifier Strng.ln Strng.rndx Strng.Mx Strng.ltln trng.tlz trng.xndtb string.find trng.rfnd string.count string.lower trng.rlt() rrttn()
id: b612e1f8c0a64a4d6f8f607b0ed362df - page: 125
ltfld Description Rturn tru f ll characters n a trng r dml Rturn tru f ll the hrtr n a given trng r lhnumr. Rturn Tru f the trng a ttl d trng lt th trng t th frt urrn f th rtr nd rturn a tul. Chk whthr a trng is a vld dntfr r nt. Rturn th lngth f th trng. Rturn the hght ndx f the ubtrng nd the trng f substring fund. Rturn th highest lhbtl character n a trng. Rturn hrtr n a trng. Rturn a lt f ln in th trng. Rturn a wrd wth t frt hrtr tlzd. Exnd tb n a trng rlng thm b n r mr Rturn th lwt ndxng a ub trng. fnd th hght ndx. Rturn th numbr of (nn-vrlng) urrn f ubtrng sub in trng Rturn a of , but wth ur , letters nvrtd t lwr . Return a lt of th words f th trng, If th tnl nd rgumnt bnt or Nn Rturn a lt f th wrd f th trng , nnng s frm th nd. Mthd lt th gvn trng nt thr rt Rturn a list f th wrd f the trng whn nl ud with tw rgumnt. th mnmum lhbtl trng.jn trng.ltr trng.rtr trng.w trng.trnlt trng.ur trng.ljut trng.rjut trng.ntr() string-zfill trng.rl trng.fld()
id: 62a41ce0fffd55e5bfab340def2e3e61 - page: 126
nd trng.mktrn Cntnt a lt r tuple f words wth ntrvnng urrn f . It rturn a f the trng wth bth ldng nd trlng wht rmvd Rturn a f th trng wth ldng wht rmvd. Rturn a f the trng wth trlng wht rmvd. Cnvrt lwr case lttr t ur nd v vr. Trnlt th hrtr ung tbl lwr lttr nvrtd t ur . lft-jutf n a fld of gvn wdth. Rght-jutf n a fld f gvn wdth. Cntr-jutf in a fld f given wdth. Pd a numr string n the lft wth zr dgt untl th gvn wdth rhd. Rturn a f trng s wth ll urrn f ubtrng ld rld b nw. Rturn th string n lwr whh n b ud fr l mrn. nt n ndng th string End supported b Pthn. Th dfult ndng is utf-8. Rturn a tr.trnlt() trnltn table ubl for Advantages of String
id: 9f05456350b371b227746dc4985f474c - page: 127
How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "NkNWCgxwoGqySeaTK8zf5-Kvmo_-JI47I2Men68FzxE", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "NkNWCgxwoGqySeaTK8zf5-Kvmo_-JI47I2Men68FzxE", "level": 2}'