Created at 9pm, Feb 4
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s for freedom. I ' m for anybody who's for jus tice. I'm for anybody who's for equality. I ' m not for anybody who tells me to sit around and wait for mine. I ' m not for anybody who tells me to turn the other cheek when a cracker is busting up my j aw. I ' m not for anybody who tells black people to be nonviolent while nobody is telling white people to be nonviolent. but church, I prob ably shouldn't be talking like this Jesus himself was ready to turn the synagogue inside out and upside down when things weren't going right. In fact, in the Book of Revelations, they've got Jesus sitting horse with a sword in his hand, getting ready action. But they don't tell you or me about that Jesus. I know I ' m in the on a to go into They only tell you and me about that They never let you get down to the end of the everything is, you book. They keep you up there where
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know, nonviolent. when you get to Revelations, you'll find that even Jesus' patience ran out. And when his patience ran out, he got the whole situation straightened out. He picked up the sword. No, go and read the whole book, and I believe that there are some white people who might be sincere. But I think they should prove it. prove it to me by singing with me. You can't prove it to me by being nonviolent. No, you can prove it by recog nizing the law of justice. And the law of justice is "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." The law of justice is "he who kills by the sword shall be killed by the sword." This is justice. Now if you are with us, all I say is, make the of contribution white people have always made when they were struggling for their own freedom. You were struggling for your freedom in the Revolutionary War. Henry said ''liberty or death," and George Washington And you can't same kind with us in our struggle for freedom that all
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Your own Patrick got the cannons out, and all the rest of them that you With Mrs. Fannie Lou Ha mer 113 taught me to worship as my heroes, they were fighters, they were warriors. . B ut now when the time comes for our freedom, you w ant to reach back in the bag and grab somebody who' s nonviolent and peaceful and forgiving and long-suffering. I don't go for thatno. I say that a black man's freedom is as valuable as a white man's freedom. And I say that a black m an has the right to do whatever is necessary to get his freedom that other human beings have done to get their freedom. I say that you and I wUl never get our patiently and lovingly. We wUl freedom nonviolently and never get it until we let the world know that as other human beings have laid down their lives for and also taken life for freedom that you and I are ready and willing and equipped and qualified to do the same freedom
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It's a shame that Mrs. Hamer came out here this afternoon where there are s o few people. It's a shame. All of our people in H arlem should have heard her describe what they did to her down there. Because I think the people in H arlem are more capable of evening the score than people are anywhere else in this country. Yes, they are, and they need to hear her story. They need to know more, first hand, about what's happening down there, especially to our women. And then they need some les s ons in tactics and strategy on how to get even. I, for one, will m ake the first contribution raised for the purpose of evening the score. Whenever someone commits murder, what a "reward, to any fund that's do you do? You put out w anteddead or alive" for the murderer. Yes,
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