Dietary habits have a substantial influence on both planet and individual health. Highintake of animal products has significant negative effects on the environment and on human health;hence, a reduction in meat consumption is necessary. The transition towards plant-based meat (PBM)is one of the potential solutions for environmental and health issues. To achieve this goal, it isimportant to understand the dietary habits and demands of consumers. This review was designedwith a focus on PBM alternatives, dietary shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic, the drivers ofconsumers’ perceptions in various countries, and the measures that can promote the shift towardsPBM. The PBM market is predicted to grow with rising awareness, familiarity, and knowledge in thecoming years. Companies must focus on the categories of anticipated benefits to aid consumers inmaking the switch to a diet higher in PBM alternatives if they want to win over the target market.
# Search
curl -X POST "" \
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# Query
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-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "ODM9JUOqcdkR8pGQhRzN_OVUop9PXbo1tbPAfieUqXw", "level": 2}'