Created at 3pm, Apr 13
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And I did not stop it if something starting to develop I looked for single men, I tried couples and I tried to contact women sometimes. (female, 36 years) The continuing importance to users of the Internet as a venue for experimenting with sexual contacts can be seen even in those with experience in meeting sexual partners offline. The online interaction represents play that may precede offline sexual encounters. However, the following excerpts illustrate the variability of explanations given by participants for turning online sexual contacts into offline sexual meetings, though they also show that this transfer may be affected by the impulsivity of online sex-seekers: I: What do you have to do . . . so you can meet in real life and have sex?
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P: Both must be willing to do it, I dont know what exactly it is. But both must consider it more than only virtual talk about sex. (male, 27 years) Or another example: Once I met a doctor, or he pretended to be a doctor. He was priggish but he attracted me. So I did it with him. It was quite rough, he didnt ask me about contraception and we had unprotected sex. . . . Perhaps it was my fastest date, we were chatting in the evening and then we hooked up. (female, 36 years) The excerpts show that experience with virtual sex, and talking about
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The negotiation process also seemed to be inhibited when compared to that of users seeking only offline sex. While transferring contacts from the Internet to the offline world can be impulsive, sex seekers may be aware that they do not get to know their sexual partners well on the Internet and that potentially anyone could pretend to be anybody else on a sex-oriented contact website. On the border between an online sexual contact and an offline sexual encounter The following use of sex-oriented contact websites is specific and seems to be situated between using these sites to establish sexual contacts online and establishing them offline. It has the characteristic of a desire to have sex offline which has not yet been fulfilled. This was the case for three of the participants: I: What do you mean by you are seeking and yet not seeking? P: First, I wanted to have sex
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But now that I know more about them [dating sites], what chance is there to find sex there, I would say that it is more about the entertainment. I would bet that a man would have a higher probability of finding sex in a bar. But if I actually got the chance to have sex, I still think I would not refuse. (male, 26 years) Notably, using sexually-related contact websites is still attractive despite a perceived lower probability of meeting offline sex partners. The extract shows that although the participant had not yet met an online sex contact in real life, having an ad on a sexoriented contact site was understood as expressing a desire for sex. In addition, contacting potential partners for offline sex allowed him to feel close to having sex, which could be sexually pleasurable. Furthermore, this participants experiences suggest that contacting potential sex partners online only may not be perceived as infidelity. In other words
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