Created at 1pm, Jan 9
Art Education and Students' Perception of Fine Art Teachers
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Art education plays a crucial role in fostering creativity, critical thinking, and cultural appreciation among students. Central to the effectiveness of art education is the role of fine art teachers who serve as mentors, guides, and facilitators in the learning process. This abstract explores the perceptions of art education and students' perceptions of their fine art teachers, shedding light on the impact of teacher-student dynamics on the overall educational experience. Saif, Maryam. (2023). Art Education and Students' Perception of Fine Art Teachers. Al-Qamar. 147-164. 10.53762/alqamar.06.04.e10.

17.7% of respondents described the support and guidance from their fine art teachers outside of class hours as excellent. The majority of respondents, 47.6%, considered the support to be good. While not described as excellent. About a quarter of the respondents (25.0%) rated the support as fair. A small percentage (4.0%) indicated that the support and guidance from fine art teachers outside of class hours were poor. Only a minimal percentage (0.8%) reported receiving no support at all. 10. In your opinion, how well do your fine art teachers incorporate technology and digital tools into their teaching? Very Well: 15.3% of respondents indicated that their fine art teachers incorporate technology very well. Well: A larger portion, 37.1%, believes that their teachers do well in integrating technology into their teaching. Neutral: A substantial number, 34.7%, gave a neutral response, indicating that they neither agree nor disagree with the effectiveness
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Poorly (d): Only 6.5% of respondents feel that their fine art teachers incorporate technology poorly. Very Poorly: A small percentage, 1.6%, believes that their teachers are very poor in integrating technology. 2. Art Education Experience Art Education Experience1. How would you describe your overall experience in fine art classes? 20.2% Excellent indicates a relatively high level of satisfaction, suggesting that a significant portion of respondents had an outstanding experience in their fine art classes. 49.2% Good majority of respondents rated their experience as good, reflecting a positive overall sentiment towards their fine art education. 22.6% Neutral a notable portion of respondents expressed a neutral stance, suggesting that their experiences neither stood out positively nor negatively. It could be interpreted as a mixed or average experience. 3.2% Poor a small percentage of respondents reported a poor experience, indicating dissatisfaction with the
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This might warrant further investigation into the specific aspects that led to this sentiment. 1.6% Very Poor The lowest percentage of respondents rated their experience as very poor, suggesting a rare but significant level of dissatisfaction. Similar to the
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156 Al-Qamar, Volume 6, Issue 4 (October-December 2023)
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