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The interpretation of art involves examining the meaning behind a work of art, which may include its historical, cultural, social, and political contexts. Similarly, the interpretation of architecture involves analyzing the meaning behind a building's design, style, and construction.he aim of this study is to explore the interpretation of art and architecture, focusing on the subjective nature of interpretation and how it is dependent on the viewer's understanding and cultural context.Gupta, Varnan & Naaz, Shaila. (2023). INTERPRETATION OF ART AND ARCHITECTURE. ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts. 4. 10.29121/shodhkosh.v4.i2ECVPAMIAP.2023.717.

6.2. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT'S FALLINGWATER Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright is a wonderful illustration of how many aspects like the architect's personal views, the historical context, and the surrounding environment may the understanding of a building. Fallingwater, also known as the Kaufmann Residence, was completed in 1935 in southwestern Pennsylvania and is considered one of Frank Lloyd Wright's finest Wong (2011).
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s interpretation. The home was built immediately above a waterfall, and its architecture blends the surrounding scenery, blurring the barrier between internal and outdoor space. Fallingwater demonstrates Wright's belief in the need to build in harmony with its surroundings. Another essential aspect of Fallingwater's interpretation is how it represents the historical backdrop of the 1930s. The Great Depression was a period of economic suffering and uncertainty, and many people questioned society's norms and beliefs. Wright's organic design, which emphasized the value of nature and the oneness of all living things, provided a novel vision that many people at the time found appealing Gray (2011).
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Wrights own ideas and goals can have an impact on the reading of Fallingwater. Wright was noted for his idiosyncratic approach to architecture and his commitment to creating unique, personalized settings for his clientele. Fallingwater was created expressly for the Kaufmann family, rich Pittsburgh department store owners. Wright incorporated their own interests and lifestyle into the design, resulting in a home that was specifically fitted to their requirements and wants Louise (2017). ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts 50 Figure 5 Interpretation of Art and Architecture Figure 5 Source . Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater Wong (2011) 6.3. ZAHA HADID'S GUANGZHOU OPERA HOUSE Guangzhou Opera House by Zaha Hadid is a great illustration of how architecture can be interpreted in several ways. The building in Guangzhou, China, was finished in 2010 and is recognized for its distinctive and futuristic architecture Ding (2019).
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According to one perspective, the Guangzhou Opera House shows China's ambition to be perceived as a contemporary and progressive nation. The futuristic style of the structure, with its smooth curves and metallic faade, might be interpreted as a representation of China's technical accomplishments and future goals. Another perspective is that the Guangzhou Opera House reflects the cultural and historical environment of its surroundings. Guangzhou is recognized for its rich cultural past, and the opera house's design combines features of traditional Chinese architecture, such as flowing rooflines and undulating walls Ye (2018). The Guangzhou Opera House displays Guangzhou's cultural and historical character while also exhibiting its modernity by fusing traditional and modern aspects. The Guangzhou Opera House is also a manifestation of Zaha Hadid's own views and design philosophy. The Guangzhou Opera House is no exception to Hadid's inventive and futuristic ideas Ding (2019). The organic
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