This manual provides a guide to the teaching and assessing of the basic elements of Artistic skating. It is provided as a guide to assessors of Development-level Artistic coaches to ensure consistency in the assessment of the requirements of the coach.The guide is aimed at the star class or beginner skater level.Australian Artistic Coaches Committee
Assessment 5 marks should be given for the understanding of the item and more importantly, that of the pivot-push. Two extra marks should be given for the correct execution of the pivot push, making sure skater can gain speed from the push. A further two marks will be given for the correct posture throughout the time, maintaining good balance, minus wobbles. The remaining mark will be given if the skater can comfortable hold each glide for three seconds.. Marks should be deducted if the skater can not go directly from one glide to another (i.e. glide, push, push, push, glide). DEVELOPMENT COACH BASIC SKATING SKILLS GUIDE 14. L.O.F. Edge Aim To teach the skater correct posture and technique to be able to hold a LOF edge on a figure circle.
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Method Whilst it is realised that arm positions are optional when skating figures, for uniformity the INTERNATIONAL arm positions of left arm at 12 oclock and right arm at 3 oclock should be used when teaching this edge. This arm position gives best control for the vast majority of skaters and makes holding the edge easier. Skater should start at the junction of the long and short axis of the circles in a T position, left arm forward over the line at 12 oclock, and right arm extended away from the centre of the circle at 3 oclock, palms facing the floor and arms extended away from body between waist and shoulder height.
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The skater bends both knees, rocking most weight back onto outside wheels on right skate, body must not bend forward during this action. Skater then thrusts body forward by pushing hips forward and right skate down into floor straightening the right leg, weight is transferred to centre back on left skate, with right leg extended behind left skate and over the line. Skater should maintain good upper body position throughout this take off and should have a natural lean towards the centre of the skate, skate, hip, shoulder on left side should all be in line with one another. The position should be held for as long as possible. Assessment The maximum mark for this item is 10. When assessing an edge the instructor should be aware that hire skate will often make it hard for a skater to remain on the line, credit should be given for correct technique and body position. A skater who can hold correct position for 5 seconds should be able to pass this test, 7 seconds should constitute a 10.
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DEVELOPMENT COACH BASIC SKATING SKILLS GUIDE 15. R.O.F. Edge Aim To teach the skater correct posture and technique to be able to hold a ROF edge on a figure circle. Method Whilst it is realised that arm positions are optional when skating figures, for uniformity the INTERNATIONAL arm positions of left arm at 9 oclock and right arm at 12 oclock should be used when teaching this edge. This arm position gives best control for the vast majority of skaters and makes holding the edge easier. Skater should start at the junction of the long and short axis of the circles in a T position, right arm forward over the line at 12 oclock, and left arm extended away from the centre of the circle at 9 oclock, palms facing the floor and arms extended away from body between waist and shoulder height.
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