Created at 12pm, Jun 27
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INTRODUCTION 41.1 Sun Wu and his Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.2 The Text of Sun Tzu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141.3 The Commentators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161.4 Appreciations of Sun Tzu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201.5 Apologies for War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 LAYING PLANS 283 WAGING WAR 324 ATTACK BY STRATAGEM 365 TACTICAL DISPOSITIONS 426 ENERGY 467 WEAK POINTS AND STRONG 528 MANEUVERING 599 VARIATION IN TACTICS 6810 THE ARMY ON THE MARCH 7411 TERRAIN 8512 THE NINE SITUATIONS 9213 THE ATTACK BY FIRE 11414 THE USE OF SPIES 120

[Chuang Yu quotes a saying: "Equally guilty are those who advance against orders and those who retreat against orders." Tu Mu tells a story in this connection of Wu Chi, when he was ghting against the Chin State. Before the battle had begun, one of his soldiers, a man of matchless daring, sallied forth by himself, captured two heads from the enemy, and returned to camp. Wu Chi had the man instantly executed, whereupon an ofcer ventured to remonstrate, saying: "This man was a good soldier, and ought not to have been beheaded." Wu Chi replied: "I fully believe he was a good soldier, but I had him beheaded because he acted without orders."] This is the art of handling large masses of men. 26. In night-ghting, then, make much use of signal-res and drums, and in ghting by day, of ags and banners, as a means of inuencing the ears and eyes of your army.
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[Chen Hao alludes to Li Kuang-pis night ride to Ho-yang at the head of 500 mounted men; they made such an imposing display with torches, that though the rebel leader Shih Ssu-ming had a large army, he did not dare to dispute their passage.] 27. A whole army may be robbed of its spirit;
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["In war," says Chang Yu, "if a spirit of anger can be made to pervade all ranks of an army at one and the same time, its onset will be irresistible. Now the spirit of the enemys soldiers will be keenest when they have newly arrived on the scene, and it is therefore our cue not to ght at once, but to wait until their ardor and enthusiasm have worn off, and then strike. It is in this way that they may be robbed of their keen spirit." Li Chuan and others tell an anecdote (to be found in the TSO CHUAN, year 10, ss. 1) of Tsao Kuei, a protege of Duke Chuang of Lu. The latter State was attacked by Chi, and the duke was about to join battle at Chang-cho, after the rst roll of the enemys drums, when Tsao said: "Not just yet." Only after their drums had beaten for the third time, did he give the word for attack. Then they fought, and the men of Chi were utterly defeated. Questioned afterwards by the Duke as to the meaning of his delay, Tsao Kuei replied: "In battle, a courageous spirit is ever
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Now the rst roll of the drum tends to create this spirit, but with the second it is already on the wane, and after the third it is gone altogether. I attacked when their
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