Created at 11pm, Apr 16
“The global expansion of Christianity under the wings of Western imperialism and colonialism in the late nineteenth and twentieth century
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A wide range of recent literary works describe that the close of the twentieth centurywitnessed the revival of Christianity which was taking a new shape and direction.explanations have been provided to explain this current tide. Wesley Granberg–Michaelsonhas investigated on “the trends and facts reshaping the presence of Christianity around theworld” and remarked that Christianity today has radically shifted its center of gravity:

Orbis Books, 1982), 59. 57 Ibid., 59. 58 Ibid., 6364. 59 Costas, 6364. 60 Bosch, Gods reign and the rulers of this world, 90. 61 Robert, Christian mission, 49. 62 Bevans and Roger P. Schroeder, Constants in Context, 213. 63 Osterhammel, The transformation of the world, xx, 48, 392. 36 United States of America, and Belgium besides Britain and France made their ascendency to the international scene.64 The Industrial Revolution, Romantic Movement that inspired the French Revolution in the eighteenth century, and the favorable time prior to 1914 all combined to cause the rising of modern nationalism in Europe.65 Among the European and North American Protestant nations that expanded globally, the British and German Empires used religion for their selfaggrandizement. To Englishspeaking Protestants, religious undertaking was used to propagate the cultural superiority of the British Empire while the Germanspeaking Protestant missions influenced by their national romantic movement66
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67 Sending missionaries for Germany was then a practical way to advertise German national and colonial cultural propaganda68 which cleared the way for German imperialism. In such a context, missionaries were perceived as both a tool of nationalism at home and imperialism abroad.69 The birth of modern nationalism among European and North American countries made them lay to the claim that it was their destiny to rule the rest of the world: One of the development of nationalism was the idea of manifest destiny, whereby individual nations of Europe and the United States to the extent that, for example, leaders of Germany, Britain and France would lay out the rules of colonization in the scramble for Africa during meetings in Berlin in 1884 1885.70
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The combination of political and religious programs during the colonial period leads me to consider the second type of relationship between missionaries and 64 A. Camps, The Catholic Missionary Movement from 1492 to 1789, in Missiology: An ecumenical introduction: texts and contexts of global Christianity, eds. A. Camps, L. A. Hoedemaker, M.R. Spinder et al. (Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eerdmans, 1995), 213221, 234. 65 Robert Nisbet, The present age: Progress and anarchy in modern America (NY: Liberty Fund, Inc., 1988), 62. 66 Martin Ballard, White mens God: The extraordinary story of missionaries in Africa (Oxford:
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Greenwood World, 2008), 12. 67 Wind, The Protestant missionary movement from 1789 to 1963, 240. 68 Ibid. 69 Joel Cabrita and David Maxwell, Introduction: Relocating world Christianity, in Relocating world Christianity: Interdisciplinary studies in universal and local expressions of the Christian faith, eds. Joel Cabrita, David Maxwell, and Emma WildWood (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 144, 6. 70 Bevans and Roger P. Schroeder, Constants in Context, 207. 37 colonists advanced by Dunn. He views this relationship from a matrix perspective which
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