Created at 9pm, Jan 31
ProactiveArtificial Intelligence
Unlocking the Potential of AI Chatbots: The Role of Prompt Engineering
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Everyone hear the AI and started to use chatbots and other tools but one of the most famous one is ChatGPT and it is a chatbot, is it a magic? does it tell you what you ask? is it making mistakes? How you can take better solution in ChatGPT? What is the important thing while using AI chatbots? I just made a investigation and found some useful thing and wanted to share with you.

Optimizing ChatPT for Better Search and Questioning: Utilizing ChatPT effectively for improved search and questioning involves several strategies: Keyword Optimization: Crafting queries with relevant keywords can help narrow down search results and extract more precise information from ChatPT's vast knowledge base. Contextual Queries: Providing contextual cues or background information when posing questions to ChatPT enhances its ability to generate insightful and contextually relevant responses. Iterative Refinement: Iteratively refining queries based on initial responses from ChatPT enables users to delve deeper into specific topics or extract more nuanced insights. Utilizing Advanced Features: Leveraging advanced search functionalities and filters offered by ChatPT can streamline the process of finding relevant information and answering complex questions.
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In conclusion, prompt engineering serves as a cornerstone for enhancing the performance and user experience of AI chatbots. By refining prompts and leveraging advanced features, we can unlock the full potential of AI chatbots, paving the way for more engaging, efficient, and personalized interactions in the digital realm. Perfect Prompt Examples: Topic Clarification: Perfect Prompt: "Can you provide a detailed explanation of the key concepts behind quantum entanglement in physics?" Why it's effective: The prompt is specific, clearly stating the desired information and the context (physics, quantum entanglement). Explicit Instruction: Perfect Prompt: "Summarize the main findings of the recent research on renewable energy efficiency published in the Journal of Sustainable Energy." Why it's effective: The prompt provides clear instructions and specifies the source, guiding the AI to focus on recent research on renewable energy efficiency.
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Comparative Inquiry: Perfect Prompt: "Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of electric and hybrid vehicles in terms of environmental impact and cost." Why it's effective: This prompt guides the AI to analyze two specific subjects (electric and hybrid vehicles) and compare them across well-defined criteria. Sequential Inquiry: Perfect Prompt: "Explain the step-by-step process of setting up a secure home network, including recommended security protocols and best practices." Why it's effective: The prompt outlines a clear sequence of actions, aiding the AI in providing a structured response. Poor Prompt Examples: Vague Inquiry: Poor Prompt: "Tell me about science." Why it's ineffective: The prompt is too broad and lacks specificity, making it difficult for the AI to generate a focused and meaningful response.
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Ambiguous Question: Poor Prompt: "What's the latest news?" Why it's ineffective: Without specifying the topic or category of news, the AI may struggle to provide relevant and timely information. Overly Complex Query: Poor Prompt: "Elucidate the intricate interplay of sociopolitical factors contributing to the geopolitical landscape in the 21st century." Why it's ineffective: The prompt is overly complex and may result in a convoluted or generalized response due to the lack of specific focal points. Incomplete Request: Poor Prompt: "Explain." Why it's ineffective: The prompt is too brief and lacks information on what specific content the user is seeking, making it challenging for the AI to provide a satisfactory response. By ensuring prompts are clear, specific, and contextually relevant, users can elicit more accurate and useful information from AI models like ChatGPT.
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "PsZKLasOX7x59DlkSnAYsEqJ2PjHXkLSqmt4S9j_p3s", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "PsZKLasOX7x59DlkSnAYsEqJ2PjHXkLSqmt4S9j_p3s", "level": 2}'