Created at 3pm, Jan 5
ilkeHealth & Lifestyle
Serving Local Fish in School Meals: The Nutritional Importance of Consuming Oily Fish
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In Italy, the promotion of healthy and sustainable diets, including the consumption of oily fish, is at an early stage. Based on the success of a unique Italian educational campaign in school lunch programs, the aim of the present study was to compare the nutritional composition of locally caught anchovy and of imported frozen fillets of farmed Vietnamese pangasius, to observe the potential implications of this dietary substitution.Bonanomi, S.; Colombelli, A.; Bucciarelli, B.; De Angelis, R.; Sala, A. Serving Local Fish in School Meals: The Nutritional Importance of Consuming Oily Fish. Sustainability 2019, 11, 3990.

0.1035 0.01837 N.R. < 0.1 0.0137 0.00168 N.R. < 0.1 N.R. < 0.1 N.R. < 0.1 N.R. < 0.1 0.4387 0.03090 N.R. < 0.1 0.8012 0.07754 0.1035 0.01837 1.2513 0.07581 1.3548 0.07986 12.402 2.20971 0.01512 0.00331 0.2975 0.03732 <0.01 0.7525 0.03955 0.2543 0.03852 <0.01 <0.01 1.3188 0.08598 0.3375 0.04773 0.6587 0.03136 N.R. < 0.1 0.1087 0.01807 1.1050 0.06866 0.0930 0.00888 N.R. < 0.1 0.0122 0.00225 N.R. < 0.1 N.R. < 0.1 N.R. < 0.1 N.R. < 0.1 0.4512 0.03870 N.R. < 0.1 0.8687 0.08007 0.0930 0.00888 1.3322 0.10863 1.4252 0.10777 14.444 1.82757 5 of 10 Sustainability 2019, 11, 3990 Table 3. P value of each pairwise comparisons of the mean concentrations of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), Total n-6, Total n-3, SFA, NH3, pH and protein among the three samples groups (FHA, FRA and FRP). The colour gradient, from red to white, corresponds to increasing p values.
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MUFA FRA FRP PUFA FRA FRP Total n-6 FRA FRP Total n-3 FRA FRP SFA FRA FRP NH3 FRA FRP pH FRA FRP Protein FRA FRP FHA 0.23648 0.039 0.63393 0.00055 0.75809 0.01014 0.67652 0.00064 0.8521 0.0012 0.077 0.077 0.16 0.000072 FRA 0.00012 0.01418 0.00081 0.01278 0.0079 0.000035 0.05 0.9393 0.0017 0.0056 4. Discussion
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School lunch programmes are important for childrens health, for their education and for their future wellbeing. By introducing culinary traditions in schools and school canteens, children should set the pattern for healthy habits in adult life. According to previous investigations, the traditional low consumption at early age of saturated fatty acids and the higher intake of complex carbohydrates (e.g., legumes and cereals) decreased in the Southern European countries including Italy . Mediterranean countries are passing through a nutritional transition in which problems of undernutrition coexist with overweight, obesity and diet-related chronic diseases . The erosion of the Mediterranean diet heritage, by the loss of its adherence among Mediterranean populations, is alarming, as it has undesirable impacts not only on health but also on social, cultural, economic and environmental trends in the Mediterranean region . In this contest, initiatives like Pappa Fish can contribu
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In the present study, local caught anchovy and frozen llets of farmed Vietnamese pangasius were subjected to proximal composition analysis. The results demonstrated that anchovy llets are characterised by higher nutrient concentrations than Vietnamese pangasius; in particular, their lipid content is ve times higher than that of pangasius llets. According to science-based nutrition standards, the anchovy lipid content is equivalent to that of low-fat meat (24%), whereas the content determined in pangasius llets is similar to that found in lean meat (<2%) . Total SFA, MUFA, and PUFA concentrations varied signicantly between the two species. Similar FA proles have been described in sardine, salmon, and herring [33,34]. Moreover, data analysis showed that the total n-3 and n-6 PUFA were 610 times higher in fresh and frozen anchovy, making them a valuable nutritional resource. Notably, sh and seafood are the only major dietary source of n-3 PUFA , which help 6 of 10
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