Created at 12pm, Mar 15
BCGW Ep. 139 - Blockchain gaming offers huge upside despite slow adoption says Com2uS
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Jon Jordan talks to Com2uS' US president Kyu Lee about the South Korean game company's early experiments in blockchain games and why it's currently taking a very controlled approach to introducing these mechanics into games such as Summoners War: ChroniclesBlockchain Gaming World, October 2023

Let's just create a small portion within your game that's Web3 so that the users can learn about it, get used to it. And over time, maybe we'll grow that portion out. Over time, when we launch newer titles, we'll start at a much more aggressive point. But we had to send out a message internally to all of our development teams that Web3 is the future and you have to implement it. Of course, there's also resistance within our teams. Of course, there's also resistance with our users. But this is the beginning. Imagine you were an online PC gaming company back in the days and you said, you have to do mobile. It's the same thing. They would have said, oh, why do I have to do mobile? The developers would resist. The users would also complain. Why am I playing on this device? But that's how innovation happens. And I think we wanted to make a strong message to our internal development team that we're going all in into Web3. And our users may go through some inconvenience in the beginning, but our eventual goal is to bring something amazing to you that will completely change the landscape.
But what is quite interesting for the games that have at least come out so far is actually you have to work quite hard to sort of get the Web3 thing, isn't it? I mean, you do actually have to sort of play. You don't just sort of rock in and go, all right, I'm going to buy some NFTs and I'm going to have this superpowered character. And you actually have to play the game often to quite a high level.
Yeah. Well, we tried that too, but everybody in the industry noticed that. So if you let the users go into Web3 immediately, then there's going to be gamers, but there's also going to be traders who will try to extract from your system, which aren't gamers. So we have to make sure that these users are contributing to the ecosystem so that they can also extract from the ecosystem. We can't print money out of air. Nobody can print money out of air. It has to be a sustainable economy that you're building. And in order to be a sustainable economy, there has to be contributors so that there can be also benefiters. So it was simple as that. If last year was, oh, we saw what play to earn can do. We saw the potential of it, but we also learned the downside from it. But we can't be printing money from air. You can print money from air when the token price keeps on increasing. But if it doesn't, then you can't, or if there are enough buyers into the ecosystem, you can do that. But if it's not, then you have to have it very controlled. So the way that we approached it is why don't we have a very controlled environment where we make sure that it's a zero-sum game, where the players that are contributing, that are the players that can extract, then it becomes all of those skills type of games or real money gaming in some ways when you're only talking about tokens.
But if we do it in a Web3 way, then there's a lot of much more flexibility around what type of currencies that you could do. And of course, we're also bound to a lot of the legal issues around the world, but we thought that this would be at least a sustainable way to approach it.
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