Created at 3pm, Mar 15
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare
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Preface -- A brief life of Shakespeare -- A midsummer night's dream -- The tempest -- As you like it -- The winter's tale -- King Lear -- Twelfth night -- Much ado about nothing -- Romeo and Juliet -- Pericles -- Hamlet -- Cymbeline -- Macbeth -- The comedy of errors -- The merchant of Venice -- Timon of Athens -- Othello -- The taming of the shrew -- Measure for measure -- Two gentlemen of Verona -- All's well that ends well -- Pronouncing vocabulary of names -- Quotations from Shakespeare.Nesbit, E. (Edith), 1858-1924, Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616

AEgeon and his charges were also saved; and, more fortunate than AEmilia, he was able to return to Syracuse and keep them till they were eighteen. His own child he called Antipholus, and the slavechild he called Dromio; and, strangely enough, these were the names given to the children who oated away from him. At the age of eighteen the son who was with AEgeon grew restless with a desire to nd his brother. AEgeon let him depart with his servant, and the young men are henceforth known as Antipholus of Syracuse and Dromio of Syracuse. Let alone, AEgeon found his home too dreary to dwell in, and traveled for ve years. He did not, during his absence, learn all the news of Syracuse, or he would never have gone to Ephesus.
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As it was, his melancholy wandering ceased in that town, where he was arrested almost as soon as he arrived. He then found that the Duke of Syracuse had been acting in so tyrannical a manner to Ephesians unlucky enough to fall into his hands, that the Government of Ephesus had angrily passed a law which punished by death or a ne of a thousand pounds any Syracusan who should come to Ephesus. AEgeon was brought before Solinus, Duke of Ephesus, who told him that he must die or pay a thousand pounds before the end of the day. You will think there was fate in this when I tell you that the children who were kidnaped by the shermen of Corinth were now citizens of Ephesus, whither they had been brought by Duke Menaphon, an uncle of Duke Solinus. They will henceforth be called Antipholus of Ephesus and Dromio of Ephesus.
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Moreover, on the very day when AEgeon was arrested, Antipholus of Syracuse landed in Ephesus and pretended that he came from Epidamnum in order to avoid a penalty. He handed his money to his servant Dromio of Syracuse, and bade him take it to the Centaur Inn and remain there till he came. In less than ten minutes he was met on the Mart by Dromio of Ephesus, his brother's slave, and immediately mistook him for his own Dromio. Why are you back so soon? Where did you leave the money? asked Antipholus of Syracuse.
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This Drornio knew of no money except sixpence, which he had received on the previous Wednesday and given to the saddler; but he did know that his mistress was annoyed because his master was not in to dinner, and he asked Antipholus of Syracuse to go to a house called The Phoenix without delay. His speech angered the hearer, who would have beaten him if he had not ed. Antipholus of Syracuse them went to The Centaur, found that his gold had been deposited there, and walked out of the inn.
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