Created at 11am, Feb 26
Interesting Facts About Oppenheimer
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Interesting Facts About Oppenheimer

The President directs the question "Should we build a bigger bomb to counter the danger of Soviet Russia?" and "How long will it take for Soviet Russia to produce this bomb?" Oppenheimer: "Soviet Russia will be able to produce the atomic bomb within 2-3 years" The President sarcastically replies, "They can never produce it." Oppenheimer, who was astonished by this, said helplessly and silently, "Mr. President, there is blood on my hands, I can feel it." Minister ; He got very angry and stated that he did not want to meet again. In fact, in 1946, he displayed a derogatory attitude as "the crybaby scientist who came to my office 5-6 months ago and spent most of his time writhing." In fact, Oppenheimer, who had a very strong ethical side, believed that he could end the wars in the world thanks to this terrible bomb he made. The basis of this philosophical thought belongs to Niels Bohr.
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He was so talented at making beautiful sentences that he fascinated the students he taught. Some of these students became so obsessed with Oppenheimer that they began dressing and acting like him. It is stated that the scientist also knew Greek, Latin, French, German, Dutch (which she learned in 6 weeks) and the ancient Indian language Sanskrit. From the age of 7, Oppenheimer became interested in crystals because of their structure and interaction with polarized light. He became a fanatical mineral collector and maintained long and detailed correspondence with local geologists. A geologist, unaware that he was writing to a 12-year-old boy, invited Oppenheimer to give a lecture at the New York Mineralogical Club. Oppenheimer, who went to the meeting with his father's encouragement, made the scientists laugh and made a speech at the podium by climbing on a wooden box.
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Oppenheimer first met Jean Tatlock in 1936. Their relationship continued throughout Oppenheimer's marriage to Katherine Puening. atlock had introduced Oppenheimer to the poetry of John Donne. The scientist codenamed the first test of an atomic bomb "Trinity", based on a poem by Donne. In the poem, the words "Shoot me in the heart, God of three..." were mentioned.
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