Created at 5pm, Jan 30
Bittensor Whitepaper
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Bittensor: A Peer-to-Peer Intelligence MarketOriginal paper:

As the chain progresses, newly minted stake is being emitted at our ination rate in proportion to I = R T . Importantly, the gradient of the incentive function with respect to the stake is positive and super-linear at our inection point between the honest and dishonest graph. Notably, I 2 , this ensures that the amount of stake held by each sub-graph reect a non-linear change in their ination at the next iteration. S = 5 7 (12) Initially, since SA > 0.5 and SB < 0.5 the proportion of stake emitted in sub-graph A exceeds that in sub-graph B, and sub-graph As incentive grows super-linearly compared to B. The result is that the ratio of stake decreases the cabal must continually add stake to its sub-graph to maintain itself through time.
id: 38ff1f86f5f0ce8318d4100a65061274 - page: 7
SB SA+SB We consider this proportion between the competing graphs under continuous ination. Converting to python code ... tau = 0.1 temp = 10 stake_A = 0.51 stake_B = 0.49 history = [] for block in range(100): total_stake = stake_A + stake_B trust_A = 1/(1 + math.exp(-(stake_A/total_stake 0.5) * temp)) trust_B = 1/(1 + math.exp(-(stake_B/total_stake 0.5) * temp)) ranks_A = stake_A ranks_B = stake_B incentive_A = ranks_A * trust_A incentive_B = ranks_B * trust_B total_incentive = incentive_A + incentive_B total_stake = stake_A + stake_B stake_A += tau * total_stake * incentive_A / total_incentive stake_B += tau * total_stake * incentive_B / total_incentive print (block, stake_B / (stake_A + stake_B))
id: 0debd1cb06d5658aa7db6516fd8775c7 - page: 8
>> block | size of cabal 0 0.4877323388820201 1 0.4849535784321247 2 0.4815511535094221 3 0.477389901500398 4 0.4723093486843246 5 0.46612224574620587 6 0.45861590847737577 7 0.44955887540065376 8 0.43871643745912897 9 0.42587900870651624 10 0.41090548935459825 ... 90 0.0002827251010618101 91 0.00025719653886131316 92 0.0002339730247373799 93 0.000212846436856568 94 0.00019362744329658293 95 0.0001761438058611274 96 0.00016023883697158944 97 0.00014576999582759936 98 0.00013260761127280887 99 0.00012063371993464691
id: 89adcd3fda569ae5bb10ace21efad560 - page: 8
11 Conclusion We have proposed an intelligence market which runs on a P2P network outside of a trusted environment. Crucially, the benchmark measures performance as representational-knowledge production using other intelligence systems to determine its value. The fact that this can be done in a collaborative 8 and high-resolution manner suggests that the benchmark could provide a better reward mechanism for the eld in general. To achieve this aim, the paper began with the denition of a P2P network composed of abstractly dened intelligence models. We showed how this framework allowed us to produce a ranking for each peer based on the cost to prune it from the network. Peers negotiated this score using a set of weights on a digital ledger. However, the system was incomplete without mechanisms that prevented participants from forming dishonest sub-graphs.
id: a5c36538fc8cd417b355e15a0f2f3213 - page: 8
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-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "Qwhw9Fq4WWoUep6LcOnKHjRyOmlMtBG9Efkhew5owbI", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
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