Created at 8pm, Jan 4
Cambridge Grammar for IELTS
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Ee Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Tutor: Tell me what you intend to write in your evaluation of your research. Student: Well, firstly, if I .d.Joad........... (1 have) a larger number of questionnaires returned, I onsen. (2 get) more useful data. Tutor: Is there anything you could have done to improve that? Student: Well, I suppose I oo... ssn (3 receive) more completed questionnaires if T cnocsnsssnsnsnan (4 make) the questions easier to answer, for example, yes/no questions.
id: 4e2e8c77450c026b237709d41b5bde69 - page: 170
Tutor: Yes, I think you are right. People are too busy to answer complicated questions. Any other things you might change? Student: Yes. I think I uw... (5 be) more successful with my interviews as well if To sneseseeenene (6 plan) the questions more thoroughly beforehand, although Im not sure about that. Tf Too essen (7 prepare) the questions in more detail, it .. (8 restrict) the interviewees too much. Oh, and another thing: if (9 start) collecting data sooner, it esses (10 not/be) such a rush in the end. Tutor: Good. I must admit that if you oo. esnen (11 not/leave) it all so late, sessetnsstnentnnnsese (12 be able to) support you more. If you ... (13 come) to see me before you sent out your questionnaires, I ... . (14 help) you. It is a shame that your data was so disappointing because your research questions were very interesting. | 24 Read about two scientific discoveries that were made due to chance and complete the sentences.
id: 90b7cb2b3e1135f972fd08a2927912d0 - page: 170
Alexander Fiemings most famous discovery happened entirely by accident. One day he was cleaning the culture dishes in his lab when he saw mould growing on one of the plates. There weren't any germs growing around the mould, so Fleming decided to grow more of it for experiments. He discovered that the mould acted against bacterial infections. However, Fleming's initial publication about his discovery was largely ignored by the medical community so he abandoned his research in 1932. It wasnt until 1935, when the researchers Florey and Chain saw Flemings research papers, that the drug, penicillin, was developed. SE ati ae 157 1 If Fleming hadnt been cleaning the culture dishes, he wouldn't have sean mould growing on one of the plates. 2 Fleming wouldn't have grown more of the mould if there 0..cssomssmeeemmnstaseee growing around it. 3 If his initial publication hadnt been received so poorly by the medical community, he
id: 698d73b5e4ebc97a7b6c634943ec8e40 - page: 170
4 Penicillin might not have been developed if Florey and Chait... ecsenmnnnnnenmunnnen + Harold Ridley, an ophthalmologist, developed a revolutionary way of helping people with poor eyesight as a result of cataracts. During World War Il, Ridley worked with RAF pilots with eye injuries. He noticed that their eyes did not become infected when they had eye injuries caused by bits of Perspex from the windows of their planes. As a result of this observation he decided to implant plastic lenses in the eyes of people with cataracts. Surgeons had earlier tried replacing the lens in the S eye with a glass one, but the operations always failed because the body rejected the glass lens. Ridleys operations with plastic lenses were successful. However, the medical community opposed Ridleys discoveries and it took many years for the technique to be accepted. Today Over 200 million people have their sight because of Harold Ridley.
id: c47f9f1d56858dcb60ce687a9fe04484 - page: 171
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