Created at 8pm, Jan 17
Economic determinants of national carbon emissions, perspectives from 119 countries
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The study aims to analyze the economic determinants of nationalcarbon emissions in a large cross-section of 119 countries. Thestudy followed the ‘theory of sustainable development’ to assessthe national sustainable developmental agenda. The studyemployed cross-sectional, robust least squares, and Markovswitching regression for parameter estimates. The findings indi\u0002cate that information disclosure, the cost of business start-up pro\u0002cedures, sustainable fuel imports, and renewable energy decreaseemissions stock. In contrast, ease of doing business and logisticsoperations increase it. According to the ex-ante analysis, informa\u0002tion disclosure, the cost of business start-up procedures, andenvironmentally friendly logistical operations would likely reduceemissions stock. Ease of doing business and lower renewable fuelexpenditures will almost certainly increase emissions stock in themajority of subsequent years. Over time, information disclosure isexpected to significantly impact carbon emissions, followed byrenewable energy consumption, doing business, and logisticaloperations. Sustainable economic policies worldwide make it pos\u0002sible for green technology and environmentally friendly manufac\u0002turing to be put into place.Jinrong Jia, Muhammad Khalid Anser, Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Sheikh UsmanYousaf, Shabir Hyder, Khalid Zaman, Sasmoko & Mohd Safarin bin Nordin (2023) Economicdeterminants of national carbon emissions: perspectives from 119 countries, EconomicResearch-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 36:1, 1099-1119, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2022.2081589

Table 4 illustrates the IRFs intertemporal estimates of carbon emissions. The findings indicate that the information transparency index, the cost of business start-up procedures, and logistical activities are all likely to have a negative effect on carbon emissions stock in many subsequent years. On the other hand, the ease of doing business, fuel imports, and green energy sources would almost certainly result in a rise in carbon stocks in many subsequent years. Environmental disclosure indexes and sustainable logistics operations would benefit future economic activities to enhance environmental quality. In contrast, the ease with which government rules are implemented, the increased reliance on non-renewable fuels, and the inefficient utilization of green energy sources negatively affect environmental quality, obstructing the global 1109 1110 J. JIA ET AL.
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Figure 2. Leverage plots. Note: EPC shows carbon emissions per capita, BEDI shows the business extent to discourse index, CBSP shows the cost of business start-up procedures, EDB shows the ease of doing business, LPI shows logistics performance index, FIMP shows fuel imports, and REC shows renewable energy consumption. Source: Authors estimation. green development goal. Economies would need to use cleaner manufacturing methods and renewable energy sources to move toward long-term economic activities on a global level.
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Table 5 illustrates the results of the VDA analysis of carbon emissions, which revealed that the ease of doing business would most likely have a higher impact on carbon emissions stock in the year 2031, with a variance error shock of 1.933% in that year. Green energy sources are projected to play a significant role in increasing economic initiatives, which significantly impact carbon emissions stock and have a variance error shock of 1.674% over time. The information transparency index was shown to have the most significant impact on carbon emissions stock over the next ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAIVANJA 1111 Table 3. Cross-sectional regression estimates. Robust least squares regression: S-estimator (cid:2)0.015 (cid:5) (cid:2)0.038 0.0009 (cid:5) 3.536 (cid:2)0.005 (cid:5)(cid:5) (cid:2)0.016 (cid:5) (cid:2)5.846 Variables
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Cross-sectional regression Markov switching regime-1 (cid:2)1.256 0.161 0.208 3.374 (cid:2)0.419 (cid:2)0.112 1.739 (cid:5) (cid:5) (cid:5) (cid:5) (cid:5) (cid:5) BEDI CBSP EDB LPI FIMP REC Constant Statistical and Diagnostic Tests R2 Adjusted R2 LM Test Heteroskedasticity Test Note: shows 1%, and 5% significance level. EPC shows carbon emissions per capita, BEDI shows the business extent to discourse index, CBSP shows the cost of business start-up procedures, EDB shows the ease of doing business, LPI shows logistics performance index, FIMP shows fuel imports, and REC shows renewable energy consumption. Source: Authors estimation. 0.021 0.006 0.052 (cid:5) 2.498 (cid:5) (cid:2)0.133 (cid:5) (cid:2)0.073 (cid:2)2.326 0.537 0.512 0.656 0.001 0.511 0.485 (cid:5) (cid:5)(cid:5)
id: ba376f2a787bac1f0d1d918f7a3d0006 - page: 14
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