Created at 1pm, Jan 3
Perspective on Child Labor Situation in terms of Occupational Health and Safety: The Case of Turkey
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In the study, it was considered that only child workers registered in the Social Security Institution (SSI) were examined. It should be aimed to create safer workplace environments in terms of OHS by making legal arrangements in order to protect these children and ensure that children working informally are not a social problem for Turkey. For these purposes, the results of the research were evaluated, and the things to be done about ensuring child labor and OHS in Turkey and solution suggestions were presented.nnKou00E7ali, K. (2022). Perspective on child labor situation in terms of occupational health and safety: The Case of Turkey. Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 5(2), 126-151.

Total Not working 5,705 (98.6) 1,297 (98.7) 7,002 (95.5) 5,439 (99.5) 1,350 (92.2) 6,789 (98.0) 11,144 (99.1) 2,647 (87.8) 13,791 (96.7) Working Total 80 (1.4) 253 (16.3) 333 (4.5) 25 (0.5) 115 (7.8) 140 (2.0) 105 (0.9) 368 (12.2) 473 (3.3) 5,785 (100.0) 1,550 (100.0) 7,335 (100.0) 5,464 (100.0) 1,465 (100.0) 6,929 (100.0) 11,249 (100.0) 3,015 (100.0) 14,264 (100.0) Under the age of school 595 (75.4) 595 (53.4) 564 (73.3) 564 (52.3) 1,159 (74.4) 1.159 (52.9) Not working 173 (21.9) 172 (52.8) 344 (30.9) 186 (24.2) 257 (83.1) 443 (41.0) 359 (23.0) 429 (67.6) 787 (35.9)
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Working Total 21 (2.7) 154 (47.2) 175 (15.7) 20 (2.6) 52 (16.9) 72 (6.6) 41 (2.6) 206 (32.4) 247 (11.2) 789 (100.0) 326 (100.0) 1,114 (100.0) 770 (100.0) 309 (100.0) 1.079 (100.0) 1,559 (100.0) 634 (100.0) 2,193 (100.0) It was observed that 473 thousand (3.3%) of 14 million 264 thousand (100%) attending school children were working but 13 million 791 thousand (96.7%) were not working. 247 thousand (11.2%) of 2 million 193 thousand (100%) not-attending school children were working but 787 thousand (35.9%) were not working and 1 million 159 thousand (52.9%) were under the age of school. 136
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Journal of Human and Social Sciences (JOHASS), 5(2), 126-151. Working Reasons of Child Labors Table 3 shows the reasons of working of children aged 5-14 and 15-17. According to the table, 9 thousand (8.91%) working boys in the 5-14 age group work to contribute to the household, 73 thousand (72.28%) to help the household's economic activity, 14 thousand (13.86%) to learn a job or have a profession, 4 thousand (3.96%) to meet their own needs, and 1 thousand (0.99%) for other reasons. 120 thousand (29.48%) working boys aged 5-17 work to contribute to the household, 110 thousand (27.03%) to assist the household's economic activities, 144 thousand (35.38%) to learn a job or have a profession, and 33 thousand (8.11%) to meet their own needs.
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8 thousand (17.78%) working girls in the 5-14 age group work to contribute to the household, 35 thousand (77.78%) to help the household's economic activity, 1 thousand (2.22%) to learn a job or have a profession, and 1 thousand (2.22%) to meet their own needs. 30 thousand (17.96%) working boys in the 5-17 age group work to contribute to the household, 40 thousand (23.95%) to help the household's economic activity, 89 thousand (53.29%) to learn a job or have a profession, and 8 thousand (4.79%) to meet their own needs. Table 3. Reasons of Working of Children (x1000) Gender Boy Girl Total Age group 5-14 15-17 Total 5-14 15-17 Total 5-14 15-17
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