Created at 12pm, Mar 6
Our new guide to rose culture : 1893 by Dingee & Conard Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection
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The book is edited by Eben E. Rexford, the most popular writer of the day in this special line, its publishers have been for years the largest Rose Growers in the world, while its numerous contributors and correspondents give timely and practical hints from their own experience in a way that never fails to interest and help flower people.Dingee & Conard Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection, 1893

Jasminum (Jasmine). Nudiflorum.This is the most unique of all shrubs; the habit of growth is a semi-climber; can be grown 1o fine form | as a weeping shrub if the plant is supported until the canes become mature. The handsome bell-shaped flowers are golden yellow in color, sweet scented, and are produced in wonderful profusion in early Spring, usually coming into bloom in this latitude in February and March. The flowers are borne close to the stem before the foliage appears, hence the name Nudiflorum. It is an object of striking beauty to see this beautiful shrub covered with innumerable flowers (until it appears to be a veritable mass of golden yellow) when the ground is covered with snow; very fine and rare. 15 cts. each; larger size, 20 cts. TRIFOLIATE ORANGE.
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New Hardy Orange (Citrus Trifoliata). The New Hardy Orange is certainly a most remarkable and unexpected novelty for us to have growing vigorously here in the North; but it has now been pretty thoroughly tried, and has been found to do well and bear the Winter as far Northas Boston, and perhaps further; it isa true Citrus, and has all the characteristics of the real Orange Tree, which it closely resembles. It is indeed a novel sensation, and one that will delight all lovers of new and rare hardy plants to have a pretty Orange Tree growing in your lawn and bearing both blossoms and fruit. The tree is of dwarf symmetrical form, and is rather a slow grower until fully established; the leaves-are thick and glossy, deep shining green, looking as if varnished, and of beautiful trifoliate form; the flowers are lovely, pure white, real orange blossoms, deliciously sweet, just like those which are sent North from the orange groves of Florida, and are borne in constant succession all through the
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We send good, strong, pot-grown plants with an abundance of roots, sure to grow with ordinary fair treatment, so that all who like to try this pretty novelty can do so.
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25 cts. each; 5 for $1. Philadelphus (Mock Orange). Grandifiora or Mock Orange.A rapid growing shrub of strong, upright habit; attains the height of 8 to 12 feet; blooms in early June; flowers beautiful creamy white and very fragrant. 15 cts. each; larger size, 20 cts. Rhus (Sumach). Cotinus or Purple Fringe. A beautiful and very striking shrub, covered in Midsummer with fine hair-like flowers, causing the whole plant to appear as if wrapped in cloud of purple mist.
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