Created at 9pm, Feb 4
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A collection of speeches laying outthe most significant United Statesforeign policy shift in a generation

H 6 3 H access to our governments sensitive information and then target those people to try to steal it. Just to pick one example, a Chinese intelligence officer posing as a headhunter on a popular social media platform recently offered an American citizen a sizable sum of money in exchange for so-called consulting services. That sounds benign enough until you realize those consulting services were related to sensitive information the American target had access to as a U.S. military intelligence specialist. Now that particular tale has a happy ending: The American citizen did the right thing and reported the suspicious contact, and the FBI, working together with our armed forces, took it from there. I wish I could say that all such incidents ended that way. Its a troublingly similar story in academia.
id: c519f363cdbb93022e8caee37730e850 - page: 67
Through talent recruitment programs like the Thousand Talents Program I mentioned just a few moments ago, China pays scientists at American universities to secretly bring our knowledge and innovation back to Chinaincluding valuable, federally funded research. To put it bluntly, this means American taxpayers are effectively footing the bill for Chinas own technological development. China then leverages its ill-gotten gains to undercut U.S. research institutions and companies, blunting our nations advancement and costing American jobs. And we are seeing more and more of these cases.
id: c5b26828a24fdc66dbafeb3737354820 - page: 68
In May alone, we arrested both Qing Wang, a former researcher with the Cleveland Clinic who worked on molecular medicine and the genetics of cardiovascular disease, and Simon Saw-Teong Ang, a University of Arkansas scientist doing research for NASA. Both of these guys were allegedly committing fraud by concealing their participation in Chinese talent recruitment programs while accepting millions of dollars in American federal grant funding. H 6 4 H
id: 8a4704bc0e990786c3f22b9f46934961 - page: 68
Official FBI Photo. That same month, former Emory University professor Xiao-Jiang Li pled guilty to filing a false tax return for failing to report the income hed received through Chinas Thousand Talents Program. Our investigation found that while Li was researching Huntingtons disease at Emory, he was also pocketing half a million unreported dollars from China. In a similar vein, Charles Lieber, chair of Harvards Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, was indicted just last month for making false statements to federal authorities about his Thousand Talents participation. The United States has alleged that Lieber concealed from both Harvard and the NIH his position as a strategic scientist at a Chinese universityand the fact that the Chinese government was paying him, through the Wuhan Institute of Technology, a $50,000 monthly stipend, more than $150,000 in living expenses, and more than $1.5 million to establish a laboratory back in China.
id: e6424a05fa424c6d35dc13207fcfe87c - page: 69
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