Created at 11am, Jan 24
The Psychological Symptoms and Difficulties Experienced By Parents of Children with Autism
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This study investigated the psychological symptoms and difficulties experienced by parents of children with autism. Parents of children with autism experience more difficulties and present with more symptoms of anxiety, depression, and hostility than parents of healthy children. Parents of children with special needs need to be psychologically reassured and supported.KÖSE, Semra & Kurt Sezer, Hilal & Kucukoglu, Sibel. (2024). The Psychological Symptoms and Difficulties Experienced By Parents of Children with Autism. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. 23. 179-188. 10.3329/bjms.v23i1.70715.

While parenting even a healthy child is a stressful experience, it is no surprise that parents
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Parents of children with autism had a significantly 182 of children with special needs have more difficulties than those of healthy children 40,41. These parents may experience problems in their social and professional lives due to the difficulties of the process. For example, mothers who have children living with autism give less importance to working life because they want to spend more time with their children and have to spare less time for themselves 42. Mothers of children with autism present with more psychological symptoms because they take more responsibility and make less time for themselves than mothers of healthy children 43-45.
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Gray (2006) conducted a study with parents of children with autism and found that fathers and some segments of society blamed mothers for their childrens behavioral problems. This indirectly explains why mothers of children with autism have difficulty maintaining their parenting roles and relationships with their spouses, family members, and relatives 46. Korkmaz (2017) determined that alexithymia and depression were more prevalent among mothers of children with autism than those of healthy children. Parents of children with autism have challenging family dynamics because they plan their whole life according to their children with autism 47. Therefore, they suffer from restricted social relations and financial problems 48-50. Parents of children with autism are worried about possible problems in the future. They are particularly concerned about the safety of their children 51,52. Parents are concerned also because they believe that there are too many responsibilities that their childre
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In conclusion, the findings show that the parents of these children with special needs experience much more difficulties than those of healthy children. Because it draws attention that there are very few programs or policies adapted to autistic children. Parents are initially shocked when their children are diagnosed with autism. Afterward, they experience an increased burden of care, putting them in a more disadvantaged position physically and psychosocially 53-55. Our results showed that parents of children with autism had a significantly higher mean BSI total score than parents of healthy children. Parents of children with autism also had significantly higher mean BSI anxiety, depression, and hostility subscale scores than parents of healthy children. lmez (2015) conducted a study on 80 parents of children with autism to determine the psychological symptoms and difficulties they experienced. He found that parents of children with autism were wor
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