Created at 8am, Jan 25
Accurate inference of population history in the presence of background selection
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All published methods for learning about demographic history make the simplifying assumption that the genome evolves neutrally, and do not seek to account for the effects of natural selection on patterns of variation. This is a major concern, as ample work has demonstrated the pervasive effects of natural selection and in particular background selection (BGS) on patterns of genetic variation in diverse species. Simulations and theoretical work have shown that methods to infer changes in effective population size over time (Ne(t)) become increasingly inaccurate as the strength of linked selection increases. Here, we introduce an extension to the Pairwise Sequentially Markovian Coalescent (PSMC) algorithm, PSMC+, which explicitly co-models demographic history and natural selection. We benchmark our method using forward-in-time simulations with BGS and find that our approach improves the accuracy of effective population size inference. Leveraging a high-resolution map of BGS in humans, we infer considerable changes in the magnitude of inferred effective population size relative to previous reports. Finally, we separately infer Ne(t) on the X chromosome and on the autosomes in diverse great apes without making a correction for selection and find that the inferred ratio fluctuates substantially through time in a way that differs across species, showing that uncorrected selection may be an important driver of signals of genetic difference on the X chromosome and autosomes.Trevor Cousins, Daniel Tabin, Nick Patterson, David Reich, Arun DurvasulabioRxiv 2024.01.18.576291; doi:

natural. No peritonitis.
id: f9955fa73e4dc5ce7c7a2ec1b82035d5 - page: 1
Exploratory Laparotomy, MIay 23rd, haemorrhages. Stomach, duodenum, CASE II.-Oesophageal Ulcer without Perforation. A man, aged 52, was admitted to St. Bartholomew's Hospital unider the care of Dr. Herringham on May 8th, 1909. History.-Quite well until five months ago, wlhen he began to suffer from sickness after food without Dain. Vomiting con-
id: c6f2565b86ea93d03bb86166d29627f2 - page: 1
" For the last two months epigastrio pain had been constant. Condition ont Admission.-Large, well built, stout, anaemio man. Temperature 990; pulse 98; respirations 20. Brassy cough. Chest: Nit abniormal. Abdomen: Tenderness to the left of the ensiform cartilage. Blood: Red corpuscles, 3,104,000; haemoglobin, 24 per cent.; colour index, 0.4; white corpuscles, 10,000. A skiagram of the chest showed a normal area of cardiac dullness and a normal aortic shadow. May 8-27. Vomit contained altered blood and no free HCl. Temperature was irregular. May 15. Pain constanlt. Vomiting frequent. May 22. No food given by mouth. Rectal salines May 26. Eggs and milk by the mouth. June 2. No pain or ten(lerness. June 4. Vomited altered blood. Junie 6. Pain returned. Frequent vomiting. June 15. Transferred to surgical ward (under the care of Mr. Julc 20. Operation.
id: 5a08d8c825bb33a72dfb954d3d887451 - page: 1
Arteries not thick. Urine: Natural. Tongue furred. Lockwc od). Incision in middle line above the umbilicus. Temperature and pulse rose after operation and patient died on June 22nd. Stomach natural. Duodenum contained a pouch the size of half a chestniut. Oesophagus: There was a chronic punched out ulcer the size of half a crown involving the lower end of the oesophagus close up to the cardiac orifice. There was no perforation into the pleural cavity, but the base of the ulcer was extremely thin. Microscopically the ulcer showed chronic inflammation and no evidence of malignant disease. Nothing abnormal found. Wound closed. Autopsy.-No peritonitis. All organs very pale. EIGHTIETH ANNUAL MEETING
id: ea042de364bcea5e910f8b98c465300e - page: 1
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