Created at 11pm, Jan 7
Avalanche Photodiode
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Lecture notes from Middle East Technical University on avalanche photodiodes. How APDs work, what is the applications and which materials are used were discussed.

(2.%(-) (34(5.6(%,#$) &+%-.,.+%/7) 8'(/() 6#9) '#"() #) -(&5(#/.%:) +5) Current Voltage characters1cs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cid:9) (cid:10)(cid:14) $( #(cid:9) (cid:10)
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!"#"5"!"#$$%&'()*+',-%!./,$,.'%$01'0.1!,&2!3'*4#+'03+0.,'0*&! For a PIN junction, the photocurrent Iph generated by the light incident on the active region barely varies with the operating voltage. In contrast, for APDs, above a certain bias voltage the photocurrent Iph grows steadily, reaching its maximum value when the bias voltage is equal to the breakdown voltage VB of the junction. The gain M is given by the equation:
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/0'*' $%&5 $"1+3"$("1*'"*'.$')%,>'(6"%0'"$0&%&)9**'+%5"%0'"%&%1(")9**'+%" 8#F.%:) ,'(/() &+%/.-(5#,.+%/) .%,+) #&&+;%,=) (G;#,.+%) HI7CJK=) '.&') where Iph, I and Id are respectively the photocurrent, the total current flowing across the 7(&/,+:" 1)*&.." %0'" 89+)%,&+5" 1+3" %0'" 31*D" )9**'+%P" #" 1+3" #J" 1*'" %0'" #44$.(/) 2+5) (#F) "#$;(/) +2) ,'() &;55(%,) #=) &#%) 2+5) '.:') &;55(%,/) ?() junction. V and Vo are the operating voltage and the reference voltage for which M=1. &$'*1%,+:" >&(%1:'" 1+3" %0'" *'7'*'+)'" >&(%1:'" 7&*" /0,)0" " Q M;" B+" %0'" 5.,,(%L For high currents : 7&((&/,+:5"/'"/,(("*'7'*"%&"$%&J"1+3"$(J"1."%0'"$*,41*6"$0&%&)9**'+%"1+3" %0'" $*,41*6" 31*D" )9**'+%" R,;';" %0'" +&+F49(%,$(,'3" )9**'+%.S;" <0'.'" 1*'" (cid:160) (cid:9) $ (cid:14) #% D (cid:12) # &'D (cid:161) 3'+&%'3"1."$%&R#JS"1+3"$(R#JS",+"'E91%,&+"KL;MNO;"<0,."'E91%,&+"1((&/." (cid:161) (cid:161) $( 9." %&" $(&%" %0'" ")#*" )01*1)%'*,.%,)." &7" 1+" H?I" 4'1.9*'3" 9+3'*" /'((F (cid:161) (cid:162)
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