Created at 10pm, Jan 21
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Best cosmetic review,BBC,Vogue, Hiely Biber,CNN and other research's information and reviews about cosmetic.

'I live in the US and I am continually impressed with the speedy delivery of my orders. This is the third time I have made an order from your company and I will remain dedicated to your business in the future. It is really important to me to find skincare products that are made lovingly and thoughtfully, that do not test on animals and are conscientious of their environmental impact. I have tried some other popular eco-friendly brands in the US but always ended up with skin irritation, so discovering your products has been a blessing for my sensitive, dry skin. I'd also like to mention that the free sample product you provide with every purchase along with the personalized letter signed from Rebecca is a lovely idea to connect with your customers! Thank you so much for your time & care, I truly appreciate it!' Rachel, USA
id: 4a5292bf380304527587db8d9979e2b8 - page: 9
'Rebecca.. This is the BEST product I have ever used (gentle day cream)..I love the face wash I also ordered.. This face cream actually just melts into my dry sensitive face.. Love love this..' Annie, USA 'I have been singing your praises to anyone who will listen. Your products are amazing and my skin looks and feels better than I can ever remember it looking and feeling.' Martha, Scotland 'Conscious Skincare is such a fantastic brand... i'm a fan for life.' Simonne, England
id: cb5a4d8be902e589911142b5fadfc06c - page: 9
'Dear Rebecca, At the age of (almost) 59 it is incredible to discover a range of products that I can use,without any problems, on my face. No itchy skin round my mouth and, even more amazingly, no sore eyes at all. I have never before found anything that I could use on my face without getting itchy, sore eyes. I have lived with dry, parched skin since the menopause which struck me young, but despite trying more brands, cheap and extremely expensive, than I can list, I could not use any of them. But now I am quite literally luxuriating in your beautiful products. They are perfect and it feels wonderful to have the pleasure of applying products to my face that smell and feel so lovely. My skin is already less tight and so much softer and it is really exciting to see all those little bottles on my dressing table looking so pretty and not have the tug inside that I have spent more money on something I can't use.As well as the face products I am delighted with the body cream and lotion. The
id: 3774729207b65e392c88782c5842746a - page: 10
And the smell is gorgeous. I used some Abyssinian Oil, pre wash, on my hair and it conditioned and calmed it when dry, but without any lankness the next day as with chemical hair products. In fact, every single one of your products I purchased is perfect.Your packaging is attractive, simple and sophisticated and a joy to receive in the post with the personal touch of a note from you. I would far rather have your products to use ad infinitum than go on a spa day or spend silly amounts on a useless facial. Thank you too for the samples which are a little extra treat; they are so nice each one is going to be purchased next order.You have been so very kind on the phone and I appreciate your time, advice and thoughtfulness. With very best wishes,' Mary, UK
id: 02deb495761b967f4f721be73ff1b2cd - page: 10
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