Created at 7pm, Jan 17
Common Vocabulary in English Language
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This knowledge contains Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when preparing students for the Preliminary and Preliminary for school examinations.

m going over the road. (prep) P pack (v) to pack a case (v) packet (n) page (n) pain (n) painful (adj) paint (n & v) painter (n) painting (n) pair (n) palace (n) pale (adj) pale blue pan (n) pants (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: trousers) paper (n) a sheet of paper a (news)paper paragraph (n) parcel (n) pardon (exclam) Pardon? parent (n) 2012 over 40 people (more than) own (adj, pron & v) (adv) my own pen (adj) to be over (finished) (adv) on my own (pron) Several birds were flying to own a car (v) over the roof of the school. owner (n) (prep) overnight (adj & adv) owe (v) park (n & v)
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s half past one. (prep) parrot (n) pasta (n) part (n) path (n) a part of something (n) patient (adj & n) partly (adv) to be patient (adj) particular (adj) a hospital patient (n) I love this CD in particular pattern (n) the last song. pause (v) partner (n) pavement (n) part time (adv) pay (n & v) part-time (adj) PC (personal computer) (n) party (n) pea (n) a birthday party peace (n) a political party peaceful (adj) pass (n & v) peach (n) Several cars passed. peak (n) to pass the sugar peanut (n) to pass an examination pear (n) passenger (n) pedestrian (n) Page 27 of 51 Cambridge English: Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List peel (v) pen (n) pence (n pi) pencil (n) pencil case (n) penfriend (n) penguin (n) penny (n) people (n pi)
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permitted (adj) person (n) personal (adj) personally (adv) persuade (v) pet (n) petrol (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gas) petrol station (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gas station) pharmacy (n) phone (n & v) photo (n) photocopy (n) 2012 photo(graph) (n) a plain T-shirt (no design) photographer (n) plan (n & v) photography (n) a street plan (n) phrase (n) a plan to do something (n) physics (n) plane (n) piano (n) planet (n) pick (v) plant (n & v) pick up (phr v) plastic (adj & n) I picked up a pencil. plate (n) I'll pick up my sister from the platform (n) station. play (n & v) picnic (n) a play at the theatre (n) picture (n) children playing (v) pie (n) to play football (v)
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(exclam) pin (n & v) to please someone (v) pineapple (n) pleased (adj) pink (adj & n) pleasure (n) pipe (n) plenty (pron) pirate (n) plug (n) pity (n) a plug for the bath It's a pity you couldn't come an electrical plug to the party it was great. plus (prep & conj) pizza (n) p.m. (adv) place (n) pocket (n) a safe place (n) pocket money (n) I've lost my place in the poem (n) book. (n) poet (n) third place in a race (n) poetry (n) London is a big place. (n) point (n & v) plain (adj) to point at something (v) It's plain to me. (clear) The pencil has no point on it. (n) Page 28 of 51 Cambridge English: Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools
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