Created at 9pm, Jan 5
365 Days To Motivation
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170. The fastest way to earn respect is to learn humility and practice it sincerely. 171. Humility is that heavenly virtue that not all have been blessed of. 172. Swallowing your pride is the first step to learn humility. 173. Humble yourself among others. Pride is nothing but a futile yet dangerous thing that can drag you down. 174. The proud person is forever bound with his chain of commitment while the humble person is free of any restraints. 31 175. Even if you have enormous amounts of talent, be humble for it is the right thing to do. Chapter 14: The Act of Giving 176. Give and continue to give. No one has ever become poor simply by giving. 177. The act of selfless giving is always rewarded with plentiful
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178. There is no limit to what we can give so long as we have the willingness to do so. 179. When you strive to give to others, you are also giving to yourself by investing in good deeds that you will later on reap with blessings. 180. Giving is the willingness to let others experience the blissful life that you have. 181. Create ripples of kindness by starting the act of giving yourself. 182. Dont wait for others to lead you to become a giving, forgiving, compassionate and loving person. You can do it yourself and help others do it too. 32 183. You will lose everything that you have purchased. Others will take those which you have kept but the things that you have given to others unconditionally will give you something that you can keep forever. 184. The more you give to others, the more graces you get from this
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185. There will be times when you will feel doubtful. Settle those doubts by starting to give to others. 186. Be contented with what you have and share all the things that you can give to others. 187. The feeling that you get from giving to others is like a life energizer. 188. Every day is a blessing. Take this opportunity not only to make yourself smile but to also make others happy too. 33
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Chapter 15: Persistence is Omnipotent 189. Being intelligent and talented alone often becomes unrewarded. You need to be persistent to achieve the things that you would like to have. You need to remember that talent is supreme and nothing can ever replace it. 190. As you pursue your goals in life, you need to have a persistent attitude and a level of energy that is resolute. 191. Your continuous personal growth lies in your persistence to achieve. You can never tell when you will completely bloom as an individual. It has its own time and with persistence, you will have a greater chance of achieving your full potential. 192. Being successful doesnt happen overnight. You need to be driven and persistent. Without these two, you can never expect to find yourself in the road towards success. 193. If you are already a persistent and driven person, you also need to make sure that these two traits do not turn you into an ignorant and
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "U7QNgq8jrdQ-gmypfQ73SWClBL8P-qOKQyrLgTKmwe4", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "U7QNgq8jrdQ-gmypfQ73SWClBL8P-qOKQyrLgTKmwe4", "level": 2}'