Created at 5pm, Feb 4
AGA: multi-blockchain based decentralized platform architecture for cryptocurrency payment
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Paying for electronic commerce products with cryptocurrencies is anincreasingly popular method. However, the situations where a seller expectsone specific cryptocurrency as a payment while a buyer only possessesanother, inevitably create inconvenience to the buyer, which may lead tocancellation of purchase. In this paper, we propose a light-weighted softwarearchitecture of a payment system called NAGA platform that works with anumber of crypto blockchain networks to support cross-cryptocurrencypayments where buyers can pay in one currency, and the seller automaticallyreceives another of his/her choice. This minimizes the complexity andinconvenience of the buyer, leading to an increase in sales and revenues ofthe electronic commerce system. With the built-in crypto exchange, cross-cryptocurrency payment can be processed with real-time exchange rates thatenables both buyers and sellers to receive cryptocurrency of their preferredchoices.

At step 8, after the currency exchange is complete, payment will be sent to the NAGA extension that has issued that quotation with the first and second part of the results. Later step 9, the NAGA extension permanently stores the first part of the results on the blockchain together with that quotation and delivers the proof of purchase to the merchant who made the request. Once the merchant receives a proof of purchase at step 10, the merchant system stores the proof in a database to prepare it for the buyer to access the system or deliver the product when the buyer shows the same purchase proof. Finally, at step 11, the purchaser accesses the system by submitting a proof of purchase as usage license or acceptance of the merchandise. Figure 3. Payment flow diagram
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2.5. Development planning Developing the NAGA platform prototype is a complex endeavor that consists of two sub-projects: crypto application system development and smart contract delegate development for blockchain. The NAGA: multi-blockchain based decentralized platform architecture for (Dendej Sawarnkatat) 4073 4074 ISSN: 2088-8708 mechanic of the whole NAGA Platform depends on related components working together, where the logic of the high-level operation is carried out by the crypto application system that controls the operation of the smart contracts which act as delegates that manage and execute the related low-level transactional operations within the blockchain. The following are brief description of crypto application system and smart contract delegate respectively.
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2.5.1. Crypto application system It is an application server that is implemented with a multi-layered, object-oriented software library suite that consists of four major components layering vertically one by one. Each upper layer relies on its adjacent lower layer to provide simple and fine-grain services while the upper layer composes those lowlevel services and abstracts them into high-level user-oriented functionalities. Base layer: this is the lowest layer which is the native blockchain client interfacing layer that enables low-level interaction with blockchain in most essential aspects. All of these layers artefacts provide interaction with Ethereum blockchain and smart contract development. The functionalities that provided are: i) contract lifecycle management, ii) crypto wallet management, and iii) blockchain transaction management.
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Node layer: this layer is built on top of the base layer. Internally, it contains two vertical stacked sublayers of application programming interface (API) groups where the higher sublayer called typespecific lays on top of the lower sublayer of shared and supportive functional libraries called Ringnode. The lower sublayer provides three functionalities as followed: i) node lifecycle management, ii) smart contract delegate management, and iii) supportive utilities. On the other hand, type-specific API library is a group of libraries that are used to create specific ringnodes namely: pangaea master, ringlet master, pangaea endpoint, ringlet endpoint, client agent, commerce processor, financial handler, coin master, and exchange system.
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-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "UJmaRhwKMptXKfcZj_93z3DlOv2S4TacOOIfeB6GeTQ", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
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-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "UJmaRhwKMptXKfcZj_93z3DlOv2S4TacOOIfeB6GeTQ", "level": 2}'