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Pollyanna is the story of a young, optimistic girl who is tragically orphaned, sent to live with her grumpy Aunt, and ends up changing a town's point of view through her sunny disposition.Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman), 1868-1920

Aunt Polly put her hand to her throatthe old, helpless feeling was upon her, she knew. But, Pollyanna, when the ladies told me this afternoon how you came to them, I was so ashamed! I Pollyanna began to dance up and down lightly on her toes. You didn't!You didn't say I COULDN'T do your hair, she crowed triumphantly; and so I'm sure it means just the other way 'round, sort oflike it did the other day about Mr. Pendleton's jelly that you didn't send, but didn't want me to say you didn't send, you know. Now wait just where you are. I'll get a comb.
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But Pollyanna, Pollyanna, remonstrated Aunt Polly, following the little girl from the room and panting up-stairs after her. Oh, did you come up here? Pollyanna greeted her at the door of Miss Polly's own room. That'll be nicer yet! I've got the comb. Now sit down, please, right here. Oh, I'm so glad you let me do it! But, Pollyanna, II Miss Polly did not nish her sentence. To her helpless amazement she found herself in the low chair before the dressing table, with her hair already tumbling about her ears under ten eager, but very
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Oh, my! what pretty hair you've got, prattled Pollyanna; and there's so much more of it than Mrs. Snow has, too! But, of course, you need more, anyhow, because you're well and can go to places where folks can see it. My! I reckon folks'll be glad when they do see itand surprised, too, 'cause you've hid it so long. Why, Aunt Polly, I'll make you so pretty everybody'll just love to look at you! Pollyanna! gasped a stied but shocked voice from a veil of hair. II'm sure I don't know why I'm letting you do this silly thing. Why, Aunt Polly, I should think you'd be glad to have folks like to look at you! Don't you like to look at pretty things? I'm ever so much happier when I look at pretty folks, 'cause when I look at the other kind I'm so sorry for them.
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Butbut And I just love to do folks' hair, purred Pollyanna, contentedly. I did quite a lot of the Ladies' Aiders'but there wasn't any of them so nice as yours. Mrs. White's was pretty nice, though, and she looked just lovely one day when I dressed her up inOh, Aunt Polly, I've just happened to think of something! But it's a secret, and I sha'n't tell. Now your hair is almost done, and pretty quick I'm going to leave you just a minute; and you must promisepromisePROMISE not to stir nor peek, even, till I come back. Now remember! she nished, as she ran from the room. Aloud Miss Polly said nothing. To herself she said that of course she should at once undo the absurd work of her niece's ngers, and put her hair up properly again. As for peeking just as if she cared how At that momentunaccountablyMiss Polly caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror of the dressing table. And what she saw sent such a ush of rosy color to her cheeks thatshe only ushed the
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