Created at 11pm, Apr 16
Recent Findings on Women’s Motives for Engaging in Sexual Activity
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Purpose of Review Motives for engaging in sex are complex,and the assessment of these motives offers unique insights intowomen’s sexual function and overall sexual well-being. In thisreview, we summarize the most recent literature on reasons forsexual activity among women and comment on the relationship between sexual motives and sexual function with particular attention to sexual interest/arousal.Recent Findings Recent work has focused on the effects ofrelationship type and attachment on sexual motives, differences in motives based on sexual orientation, and the association between sexual motives and sexual function. Contextualfactors that impact women’s reasons for having sex are alsoassessed, and the findings of these studies are interpreted witha clinical lens. The authors conclude that the valence ofwomen’s reasons for having sex, and the associations thatwomen have with certain reasons, influences the likelihoodthat any one motive is linked to increased desire.Summary Women’s motives for engaging in sexual activityare complex, heterogeneous, and influenced by several important domains. Clinical and research implications are discussed.Future research that expands upon these recent findings andmore thoroughly addresses the relationship between sexualfunction and sexual motivations, as well as other clinical phenomena, is warranted

Sexual Function, Dysfunction, and Other Clinical Implications
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Problems with sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, and the experience of pain during sex undoubtedly influence sexual motivation. Decreased or absent sexual desire is the most common sexual difficulty experienced by women ; in a study of over 31,000 women, 39.2% of participants aged 1844 years and 48.5% of participants aged 4564 years experienced distressingly low or absent desire . In the same study, 26.6% of women aged 1844 years and 54.8% of women aged 45 64 years reported distressingly low or absent arousal. Yet, despite experiencing a lack of desire, arousal, and/or other sexual concerns, women with sexual dysfunction engage in sexual activity at a similar rate as women without sexual concerns [32, 33]. It is conceivable that women with sexual problems have different reasons for engaging in sex than women without sexual dysfunction. Basson [24(cid:129)] hypothesizes that these women likely seek out sexual activity for any number of nonsexual reasons that offer differe
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In one study, women with sexual problems were more than five times as likely as sexually functional women to endorse the following item: I engage in sexual activity with my partner, even if I dont feel physical desire to do so, for other non sexual reasons . Also consistent with Bassons model, Giles and McCabe found that women with vs. without sexual problems were more likely to endorse intimacy and overall well-being as important motives for having sex. Though these two studies are limited in that they did not use validated measures to assess sexual motives, the findings suggest that, for women with sexual concerns, reasons for having sex center less so on physical gratification.
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Building on these findings, Watson and colleagues assessed sexual function and reasons for having sex using
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