Created at 5am, Mar 14
HephaestionFolklore & Mythology
Stories of Norse Gods and Heroes
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Stories of Norse Gods and Heroes by Annie Klingensmith published in 1894

S GOLDEN ZINC. was the richest of all dwarfs. He was also the wariest of all dwarfs. He changed himself into a fish and hid in the water. But Loke borrowed a net from Ran, the seagod's wife, and caught him. When Andvare found that he could not escape, he gave up all his gold but one little ring. This he tried to hide under his arm. Loke took it away from him. The dwarf begged to have it given back. He said if he! had the ring, he could make more gold ; but, without it, he could'do he cursed the gold, and said it would always bring trouble to its owner. Loke carried the gold to Odin. Odin Elled the otter skin and covered it, but kept the ring. When the-farmer looked he found one hair that %-. was not covered, Odin puf the ring< upon the B . s& & * b J i 79' 5; ,' & . I ? ' a z.. $$; ?+ ,.: ' . 9 .%.. c " ~ < 4
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, As soon as the gods were, gone, the sons demanded some of the gold. The father refuged to divide it, andr Fafner killed hi& with a sword ..! BIGUBD THE VOLSUNG. : ..: ,.i-'.$. 57 . : < ; *--,G , .. -'.L -: ,". 7. --.iZL , * .. . , . L .--* --. -., " . =.. :; : > *+,,>.-? -;.,. -. .. .:\ .-., ,,* -:. .. :. . -* ,+ , k;+ ::-? -:-, > ~ , . ;-*.Y+ ;. > .. . . . , , .' . SIGURD THE VOLSUNG. ONE Yule-tide, King Volsung entertained his friends and vassals. All down the great hall of. T h i was called Odin's tree. the ale horns passed around, and the hall rended with the laughter of the warriors, a tall
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With one blow he drove the sword into the roof-tree up to the hilt. Then he exclaimed, He who draws out this sword shall have it as a gift me, and he will find that he has never h that he strode out, and no man dared ask that it was Odin himself. / . SIGURD THE VOLSGNB. 5 ' " When Sigmund, King Volsung's son, touched the sword it was so loose that he drew it out with no effort. Afier many years Sigmund was slain in battle and the sword was broken._ But the pieces were kept by Sigmund's son, who was called Sigurd the Volsung. Sffprdye Shield Sigurd waB the bravest and strongest man in
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His eyes'were so keen that few men dared gaze gij him. Ris hair was golden and hung down per his shoulders, which were as broad as two rhen's shoulders. His shield was of burnished gold with a dragon 59 SIGURD THE VOLSUNG. upon it. All his armor was of gold, piece had upon it a dragon like the dragon upon the shield. When Fafner went away with the gold that had been given by Odin for the death of the, otter, he changed himsel into a great dragon and lay on Gnita Heath guarding the treasure. Regin knew that he was not strong enough to kill the dragon, so he made a long journey to the land of a wise king to ask his advice. The wise king sent him to Sigurd the Volsung. Regin told the Volsung of the hoard, and Sigurd vowed to kill the dragon.
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