Created at 11pm, Jan 21
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Food, Nutrition, Health and Fitness
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Healthy tricks

Breakfast is frequently neglected and is omitted more often by teenagers and young adults under 25 years of age than by any other age groups in the population. A likely explanation as to why girls are more apt to miss breakfast than are boys is the pursuit of thinness and frequent attempts at dieting. Many teenage girls believe that they can control their weight by omitting breakfast or lunch. In fact, this approach is likely to accomplish just the opposite. By mid-morning or lunchtime they may be so hungry that they overcompensate for the saved kilocalories. As a matter of fact, skipping breakfast can slow your metabolism contributing to weight gain and poor performance. 38
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Snacking: Snacking is probably a survival technique for teens. Snacking does not have to be a bad habit. It can help maintain energy levels, particularly in active and growing adolescents. Many adolescents fail to eat three regular meals per day because of the skipping meal factor. Thus snacking can actually be beneficial to ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients. However, surviving only on snacks is harmful to health. Fast foods: Adolescents, particularly in urban areas, are more apt to eat fast food because it is convenient and typically a social affair, and they may believe it is the fashion of the day. Fast food is often packed with fat and empty calories. We should make smart food choices even when visiting fast food restaurants. Table 2 provides important information about fast foods.
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Dieting: Obesity is becoming a crucial problem among adolescents. Intervention is needed to maintain ideal body weight among the entire Rationalised 2023-24 Unit 1.indd 38 8/4/2022 2:50:45 PM Unit 1.indd 39 Food, Nutrition, Health and Fitness population. If this is not maintained, 80 per cent of them will stay overweight as adults. This can put them at risk for many medical problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea (a sleep disorder).
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Table 2: Nutritional Limitations of Fast Foods The following factors appear to be the major nutritional limitations of fast-food meals. Calcium, riboflavin, vitamin A: These essential nutrients are low unless milk or a milkshake is ordered. Folic acid, fibre: There are few fast food sources of these key factors. Fat: The percentage of energy from fat is high in many meal combinations. Sodium: The sodium content of fast food meals is high, which is not desirable. Energy: Common meal combinations contain excessive energy when compared with the amounts of other nutrients provided.
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