Created at 1pm, Jan 18
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Fouls: A foul is when a defender makes physical contact with an offensive player. If a shooter (player attempting to make a basket) is fouled while in the act of shooting than that player would get two free throws. If not shooting (just dribbling) than the offensive team would maintain possession of the ball. A player is disqualified from the game if the player commits 5 fouls. Basketball Positions Basketball is a team sport that uses five players per team on the court at a time. These five players play different positions on the floor. Traditionally these positions are as follows: Center Forward Guard
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(1) usually the tallest player and plays close to the basket. (2) tall players with better ball handling skills than the center. (2) usually shorter players, they have the best ball handling and passing skills. 9. If you are on offense do you have the ball? ________________ 10. What is the key?____________ ________________ ________________ 11. What position does most of the dribbling? ________________ 12. The foot that stays on the ground is called the _________ foot. 13. When does a player take a free throw ________________ ________________ 14. 2 point shots are called? ________________ 15. Real basketball games are started with a ________________ 16. What are two shooting tips? a. ______________ b, ______________ 17. What are two dribbling tips? a._______________ b. ______________ 18. Name one type of pass. ________________ 19. What is the free-throw line called?
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Basketball Vocabulary Assist: Defense: Double Team Key: Jump Ball: A pass made to a teammate who scores. Team not in possession of the ball. They are defending their own basket. : Two defensive players guarding one offensive player. The painted area extending from under the hoop to the free throw line. The way a game is started. (Not in PE) The referee throws the ball center court. In PE, we will ro sham bo for the ball to start games. Lay-Up Man-to-Man: Offense Pivot: Screen / Pick: : A short shot that is taken from one or two feet from basket. Defense involving each player guarding one offensive player at all times. : The team in possession of the ball who are trying to score. A stationary foot that is established and does not lift off the floor. Is when an offensive player (without the ball) gets in the way of a defensive player in order for an offensive teammate to get open or to take a shot.
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Shooting Tips Types of Passes Stayed balanced with knees bent. Hand in middle and under ball. Elbow pointing toward target. Athletic squat. Use legs for power. Follow through after shot. Index finger pointed at rim. (Hand in cookie jar) Chest pass (one/two hand) Baseball pass Bounce pass (one/two hand) Two hand overhead pass Dribbling Tips Defensive Protect the basketball at all times Stay between your person and the basket. Create space by moving to the open space. Dribbling: keep ball low, your head up (to see), use your finger tips, and keep your body between your body and the defender. Keep your back to the basket. Point at the ball and the person you are guarding. Move your feet. Play a man to man or zone defense. Scoring: Foul shots from free throw line = 1 point. Shots (field goals) made from inside 3 point arc = 2 points. Shots made from outside 3 point arc = 3 points.
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