Created at 9am, Mar 7
ProactiveHealth & Lifestyle
Report Estimates 1 Billion People Worldwide Are Obese
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A new study estimates more than 1 billion people worldwide are currently living with obesity. People with obesity are considered medically overweight The study, published in the medical publication The Lancet, said that one in eight people are obese. Researchers said around 43 percent of adults were overweight in 2022. Worldwide, obesity among adults has more than doubled since 1990, the study found. Among young people aged five to 19, the obesity rate increased by four times during the same period.

So far, 31 governments are now leading the way to reduce obesity by carrying out goals of the plan.
start: 02:27 - end: 02:38
These include government measures to enact new rules on harmful marketing of unhealthy food and drinks to children.
start: 02:38 - end: 02:49
In addition, governments are aiming to improve school and nutrition policies.
start: 02:49 - end: 02:56
They are also seeking price reductions for healthy foods, to increase public awareness about healthy diets and exercise, and to strengthen requirements for physical activity in schools.
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