Created at 2am, Mar 13
Carbon Economics of Different Agricultural Practices for Farming Soil
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The loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) poses a severe danger to agricultural sustainability around the World. This review examines various farming practices and their impact on soil organic carbon storage. After a careful review of the literature, most of the research indicated that different farming practices, such as organic farming, cover crops, conservation tillage, and agroforestry, play vital roles in increasing the SOC content of the soil sustainably. Root exudation from cover crops increases microbial activity and helps break down complex organic compounds into organic carbon. Conservation tillage enhances the soil structure and maintains carbon storage without disturbing the soil. Agroforestry systems boost organic carbon input and fasten nutrient cycling because the trees and crops have symbiotic relationships. Intercropping and crop rotations have a role in changing the composition of plant residues and promoting carbon storage. There were many understanding on the complex interactions between soil organic carbon dynamics and agricultural practices. Based on the study, the paper reveals, the role of different agricultural practices like Carbon storage through cover crops, crop rotation, mulching Conservation tillage, conventional tillage, zero tillage and organic amendments in organic carbon storage in the soil for maximum crop yield to improve the economic condition of the cultivators.

Animal urine, leftover feed, and bedding materials comprise this byproduct. Given that it is easily obtainable and contains most of the nutrients crops need, it is one of the oldest manures used by farmers to produce various crops, particularly vegetables. The urine from cattle is a valuable component of farmyard manure because it contains much nitrogen; however, most of the pee is wasted because the animal shed's clay floor soaks up the urine. To resolve the issue, the animal shed has to be cemented. Straw, sawdust, dried weeds, rice husk, etc., might be utilised to lessen the urine from the cow shed in the case of an earthen floor(Gupta et al., 2021;
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Kumar et al., 2020; Shirani et al., 2002). Several kinds of earthworms make vermicompost, a type of compost. Earthworms usually devour a variety of decomposable organic wastes; only a tiny percentage of this food between five and ten per cent is absorbed by the body; the majority is expelled as pellets that are then composted, or known as vermicompost. It comprises earthworm cocoons, vitamins, enzymes, beneficial microbes, auxins, gibberellins, and other hormones that promote plant development and excrement. Plants may easily absorb nutrients from vermicompost because they absorb them quickly. Adding vermicompost to the soil enhances its biological, physical, and chemical
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, 2009). Poultry manure is one of the significant traditional manures utilised for a long time in the agricultural industry to improve crop productivity in many places worldwide the organic waste produced by the poultry birds excrement, urine, and bedding. Every year, more poultry birds are raised worldwide to fulfil the rising needs of an expanding population, which results in massive amounts of poultry litter. Taking good care of the chicken litter is crucial. If not, it may seriously contaminate the ecosystem. While there are many uses for chicken manure, including the production of biogas and power, fish feed, mushrooms, and so on, the most significant application is organic manure on agricultural fields(Reeves, 1997). Organic additions increase soil organic carbon content and provide stable organic matter, which enhances soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability. Soil bacteria decompose
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Increased soil organic carbon increases carbon sequestration and improves soil health and fertility. Furthermore, introducing organic amendments can boost soil microbial activity, creating a favourable environment for carbon stability. In addition to the discussed organic amendments such as green manure, green leaf manure, cow dung, and domestic waste, this supplement will improve the soil's organic matter and increase the soil's organic carbon, whichcould be helpful for crop growth(Bianchi et al., 2008).
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